2nd Trimester

Strange observation

As I was typing a reply, I realized that I tend to over-use the exclamation point.  It is like I am so excited about every little thing I say.  Just one more thing that makes me go hmmmm . . .

Re: Strange observation

  • I do this to and find myself mostly editing out exclamation points. I usually have twice as many before I go back and replace them with periods.
  • I am not sure why I do this all the time.  I think I use them as emphasis points rather than exclamation points.  Although, if I need to emphasize every sentence, shouldn't it just be implied that you guys should read everything that I say because it is THAT important.  Me thinks: yes!  (I had to throw one in for good measure)

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  • I usually add them in when I am laughing haha! Like to myself kind of out loud! Like right now!
  • imageJosh & Calendi:
    I usually add them in when I am laughing haha! Like to myself kind of out loud! Like right now!

    I love that you get me!  It's too bad that we are not neighbors b/c we would be a force to be reckoned with if we lived near each other!  Viva la exclamation point!

  • Lol think of how much fun we would have driving our DH's crazy!!!! (quad-point)
  • imageJosh & Calendi:
    Lol think of how much fun we would have driving our DH's crazy!!!! (quad-point)

    Well, they could become besties and comfort one another.  As well as our children.  They will need their own support group as well!

  • This is true. I told DH they need a bump for men! Then I retracted that because I want to bump and that would mean he'd have to have the laptop. I figure he has fantasy baseball already.
  • imageJosh & Calendi:
    This is true. I told DH they need a bump for men! Then I retracted that because I want to bump and that would mean he'd have to have the laptop. I figure he has fantasy baseball already.

    Men don't need a bump.  What would they bump about?  How much their wives/FI/SO are b!tching about swollen ankles & braxton hicks?  No no.  Save the drama for us ladies.  We are the ones that need the sounding board right now!  Plus, I think that most DH's live vicariously through us and the stories that we tell them about the website.  Better to keep them in the dark than let them know the gory truth about EWCM & MP!  They would curl up in a ball and never speak to another human again.

  • I was soooooo tempted to show DH the placenta pictures from earlier tonight. I just wanted to see how he'd react. I'm too nice! He does love to hear the drama though that goes on haha.
  • Me too! I love that exclamation points. Big Smile and smileys
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