dont they know I need my sleep??? and I have to be in at the office at 9am. its 245am here now, and i know my DD will be up at 7am. ?YUK ?on the bright side I do get to eat an ice ream sandwich in peace and quiet....
It is against late-night policy to talk about food without bringing in enough to share with the rest of us. I will have to insist that you either surrender that icecream sandwhich to me or pass out enough for everybody on here tonight.
Lol!! I made cake batter the other night w/o eggs just to eat. I hid it from FI cause I thought he'd think I was a total freak... He found it and ate it!!
This post however has reminded me there is ice cream in my freezer. I am trying not to go to the kitchen now otherwise I might end up with a bowl. Oh but for dinner we had pork sliders!! Mmmm those were yummy.
Re: grr on call for work and my f'ing phone wont stop ringing
Lol!! I made cake batter the other night w/o eggs just to eat. I hid it from FI cause I thought he'd think I was a total freak... He found it and ate it!!
Otherwise that's what i'd contribute right now...
Oh I think I saw that post about the cake batter.
This post however has reminded me there is ice cream in my freezer. I am trying not to go to the kitchen now otherwise I might end up with a bowl. Oh but for dinner we had pork sliders!! Mmmm those were yummy.