2nd Trimester

*~* July Sparklers' Wednesday Check-in *~*

Welcome to the July Sparklers? daily check-in!  This is a group for women who are due in July 2009.  To be added to the list, please reply to this post with your name, age, and EDD.  You may also let me know if your age or EDD has changed!


As you find out what the sex of your baby is, please let me know (by posting it in your reply to this check-in or by emailing me) so we can keep track of the number of boys, girls, and surprises!


Are you new and feeling a little lost?  You might find these links helpful: Bump abbreviations, Bump badges, create a ticker, Bump FAQs.


Have an idea for a QOTD (question of the day)? Email me at MamaJan0208 at gmail dot com.


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Group Stats

Total members: 598

Sets of Twins: 16

Boys: 193                Girls: 131                Surprises: 40

Most common EDD: July 4 (33 members)

Least common EDD: July 7 (8 members)


Bed Rest Sparklers: MCGMK, KrisFlower, Julybride_07


Thoughts & Prayers (click name for recent update):  Jamers615 (update 3/20 ? Patrick William Oliver, born Thursday 3/19 at 21 weeks, see Jamie?s blog for more details);  xGoingToTheChapelX (update 2/25 ? loss of identical twin boys at 19 weeks, Caden August & Casey Francis delivered Thursday 2/20); Julybaby09 (update 2/18 - confirmed late miscarriage at 19 weeks, due to triploidy)


Unknown Due Date ? please update with your EDD!

kscarlett5683 (36)


July 1 (20)

allicia82 (Allicia, 26)


AZ2MN4LOVE (Briana)

Brittanie_1987 (Brittanie, 21)

CAParisi (30)

Chrysallys (Jennifer, 36)

debisheldon (Debi, 30) ? TWINS!

desabean (36)

jamie81180 (Jamie, 27)

kit443 (Carson, 28)

lucyatx (35)

melina_safady (Melina, 29)

musicamh (Ashley)

msummer615 (Michelle, 28)

patrickandkim (Kim, 25)

PnJ Mooney (Jacqueline, 25)


skorpia1074 (Lina)

skylooo (Katie, 26)

wilson_ashlyn (Ashley, 24)

Zeener (Azine, 28)

July 2 (18)

3PupsAndABaby (Kimmie, 25)

Aimee&Bill (Aimee, 32)

CalinsBride (Keshia, 23)


duckee88 (Brittney, 20)

HisLovf (Jen, 26)

jrodda (28)

kbryan03 (Kelley, 23)

KevandJess (28)

kkmack (Kristen, 25)

NewBride0423 (Tish, 33)

NManger (Nichole)

Pugs05 (Jen, 28)

Shoop-na-doopa (Trish, 31)

slamamama (23)

Soon2BMrsN (26)

s.s.girl (24) ? TWINS!

tml0701 (Toni, 31)

July 3 (20)

Beccaboo0713 (Becca, 24)

bridetobe05 (Amy, 30)

Bririna (31)

fawnanddoe (Jessica, 25)

gr8skin4u2 (Sandi, 43)

hickler7 (Jennifer, 30)

hparrott (Heather, 22)

jods8 (Jody)

kaightea (Katie, 26)

lennonlover (Angie, 26)


luvpiggies (Erin, 27)

mnimee (Marissa, 30)

mrs.serrato85 (23)

mrstrn (Becca, 30)

Mrs.Underwood (Meagan, 25)

MrsZ71407 (26)

rebus82 (Randi, 26)

seth&linds (Lindsay, 26)

stlJanaJo (Jana)

July 4 (33)

alison1020 (Alison, 29)

AZ*Grl (Janie, 25)

babyjoy09 (Brenda, 23)

bleu928 (Andrea, 27)


coffeekitten (Rachel Marie, 26)

daveNmissy (Melissa, 27) ? TWINS!

erino&chrish (Erin, 29)

esmoore (Elizabeth, 23)

Jamie and Matt (Jamie, 23)

jennloves (Jennifer, 25)

khagan9368 (32)

korndog99 (Kory, 27)

LianeL (Lori, 37)

M. Amy (38)

Manalyzer (24)

matt&steph (Stephanie, 27)

meyemn28 (Marissa, 24)

MiaVonT (Mia, 28) ? TWINS!

momtobetimes3 (29)

mrsbrustobe (Abby, 35)

MuesFamily (Christina, 26)

mvesneske (26)

Nelliep32507 (Janell, 30)

nicole.romiglio (Nicole, 24)

nwilliams8 (Nicole)


pghwedding10/08 (Caitlin, 28)

robbie3982 (Robin, 25)

sarahryandrewlo (Sarah, 28)

Shanseur* (25) ? TWINS!

Srquarg (Stephanie, 26)

Tiffharper (27)

July 5 (19)

*mrs.lyday* (Angela, 25)

adams179 (Emily, 21)

aggiewed05 (Teri, 25)

BlondePrincess (Jennifer, 26)

empressjenn (Jenn, 31)

gusabbey (Erin, 25)

hairstylist720 (Jana, 25)

jcjen519 (Jennifer, 26)

kmv6107 (Kate, 31)

kristinka7 (Kristina, 23)

Idhreniel (Annie, 23)

Mrs.Greenie (Christy, 26)


roslyn20 (Roslyn, 34)

sarah.townsend (Sarah, 23)


susangilchrist (Susan, 27)

TRACI15 (Traci, 20)

upstatenymommy (Emily, 27)

whitem22 (Michelle, 27)

July 6 (22)

ahernandez (Amanda, 25)

amandaasue (Amanda, 29)

angela&ruben (Angela, 29)

beeker1 (Loumeli, 31)

gummybearsong (Callie, 28)

Iblamethebeer (Darcy, 27)

JenB225 (Jenni, 26)

jenn_a_bee (Jenn, 25)

June4bride2be (Sandi, 34)

ladybugbabyp (Tami, 26)

lhylcn (32)

Josh & Calendi (Calendi, 30)

Karla&Ken (Karla, 31)

MattysGirl81 (Holly, 27)

Mickeychew (Michelle, 26)

Mrs.Bazin (Danielle, 23)

Mrs. Nerychel (28)

shellbomb (Michelle, 30)

SummerAshley (Summer, 24)

TessaTru (Laurel, 26)

toothfairy806 (Traci, 28)

volleydiva (Christina, 28)

July 7 (8)

ashloree (Ashley, 24)

HDxNxJ (Heather, 26)

jeccap (Jessica, 27)

Madyson2006 (25)

Mrs_mam (Alison, 29)

nichle (Nicole, 30)

seabass22 (Jessica, 32)

skats2000 (Samantha, 26)

July 8 (22)

78kiki (Kay, 30)

amycoffey (Amy, 27)

cheshirekaatttt (Elena, 27)

curlycasey (Casey, 26)

gracieleigh2 (Rachel, 26)

happyfarn (Jill, 31)

julosh (Julie, 20)

kayla_lynn (Kayla, 22)

KrisFlower (Kristi, 28)

krista_rosey (Krista, 26)

Ksis (Kristan, 27)

littleangel079 (Natasha, 26)

meelar8 (Laura, 28)

nycteach (Patricia, 30)

orion09 (Camrn?, 22)

rlpschll (Renee, 29) ? TWINS!

SB524 (Anne, 26)

stephelias (Stephanie, 23)

teiaj (Teia, 27)

thefarmchick (Lisa, 26)

vilicious (Stephanie, 33)

zakiebaby (Karen, 24)

July 9 (26)

augustbride12 (Kate, 28)


BadaBing327 (Jaime, 26)

Brittany FreyBox (Brittany, 26)

ciara2927 (Ciara, 26)

cookiesheart (Articia, 26)

dandnat (Natalie, 27)

disneychick (Rosanna, 25)

Finally_Mrs.Garcia (Vivian, 27)

Hapuh3 (Brenda, 34)

hijoi (Joi, 34)

JGratton99 (Jackie, 25)

kellybaird (Kelly, 28)

krusin2gether (Rachel, 25)

LoveMyLily (Alli, 31)

mikeandjen (Jen, 30)

mj0612 (Megan, 23)

OfficallyanOlson (Jeannie, 26)

RubyRed1085 (Amanda, 23)


scherza (Gina, 29)

ShelJean (Shelley, 28)

Shortcake79 (Beth, 29)

soontobejesseng (Jessica, 25)

tevola (Tanisha, 23)

vponce07 (Vanessa, 27)

July 10 (20)

amama87 (Amanda)

audreyp (Audrey)

brownbetty2006 (Brandy, 22)

cblremi (Crystal, 25)

Choco80 (Alicia)

Cristydz (Cristy, 32)

Heather577 (Heather, 31)

lbittma80 (Lisa, 28)

jmstone (Jenna, 22)

Julybride_07 (Trista, 22)

leahbrazil (Leah, 25)

maiziejenga (Danielle, 33)

mama2royalty (Cheryl)

melhearts (Melinda)

MissTGH (Timberly, 35)

new mommy brittany (Brittany, 24) ? TWINS!

seriously888 (Jenn, 29)

sugar*and*spice (Deborah, 23)

teamhuber (Kimberly, 27)

vjrun21 (Viviana, 21)

July 11 (14)

*Bee* (Brittany, 24)

BrideofSky (Dana, 34)

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Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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Re: *~* July Sparklers' Wednesday Check-in *~*

  • T: Who is throwing your shower(s) ? if you are having one? 

    My friend now that my sis backed out!

    How many weeks will you be at your shower? 31 weeks


    W: Are you reading any parenting books?  Not parenting books yet, still working on all the pregnancy books.  I will start shortly on parenting books If so, which ones? Probably will read What to Expect the 1st year next! 

  • T: Who is throwing your shower(s) ? if you are having one?  How many weeks will you be at your shower?

    My 2 sisters, 2 best friends, my mom and sister in law.

    I'll be a day shy of 32 weeks.


    W: Are you reading any parenting books?  If so, which ones?

    nope Smile

  • Loading the player...
  • I am trying to keep on track with my pregnancy books (not working). I have been thinking about parenting books though. I just haven't set aside the time to actually go and get them and then start reading them.
  • I am not reading any parenting books.  I am just going to take what I remember from DS and mix it with a little more of a laid-back attitude with this one and see what happens!  But there will be certain things that I will definitely do differently!
  • i am a still trying to read my pregnancy books hah. But hopefully I will be reading WTE the first year when I am through.
  • M- Weekend was great. Never long enough. No pregnancy updates, and as far as my bump it is there I just feel fat or really big for this stage in the game.

    T- I am having 2 showers that I know about. One in my hometown thrown by my mom and my 2 best friends. I will be 32 weeks at that one. The second one is being thrown by my MIL and I will be 33 weeks at that one.

    W- We are reading "On Becoming Babywise" I like some parts that I have read but have been on a reading break for a while now.

  • Still working on the pregnancy/childbirth books - I finished Your Pregnancy and Birth (which my OB gave me and did include newborn care info), right now I'm reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, next is Hypnobirthing. I'm honestly not sure if I'll really read parenting books, though. Things about infant health & care, sure - but parenting/discipline styles, not so much.
  • T: Who is throwing your shower(s) ? if you are having one?  How many weeks will you be at your shower?  My 2 best friends and my mom.

    W: Are you reading any parenting books?  If so, which ones? No, I am not reading any.  Just reading books aloud to the baby...no parenting ones

  • The Complete Organic Pregnancy, Raising Baby Green and Green Baby.

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • No, I'm not, but I don't really have time to read yet. I figure once I'm done with this semester I'll have nothing else better to do.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • T: Who is throwing your shower(s) ? if you are having one?  How many weeks will you be at your shower?

    My sister in law offered to throw one but I will be paying for most of the things. I don't want other people to go broke over a shower and I like to be part of planning, I am a little control freak when it come to that, but in a good way =) Well if we have it on June 7th I will be 33 weeks if i have it on the 28th I will be 36 weeks. I am leaning towards 33 weeks I dont want to be huge and crabby on the shower day.


    W: Are you reading any parenting books?  If so, which ones?

    I have yet to start reading I was just thinking I need to start reading and signing up for my classes.

  • Not really any parenting books, I think we are going to wing that one... but I have read a few pregnancy books, WTEWYE, Baby Laughs, Belly Laughs, a Breastfeeding Book, and HypnoBirthing The Mongon Method.


  • M: (1) How was your weekend?  (2) Any baby/pregnancy updates?  (3) Do you like your bump? I love my bump!

    T: Who is throwing your shower(s) ? if you are having one?  How many weeks will you be at your shower? One of my MIL's family friends is throwing one for us. Not sure if any of my friends or co-workers are. I will be around 30 weeks at my first one.

    W: Are you reading any parenting books?  If so, which ones? Not right now.




  • Haven't started on parenting books since I'm still reading pregnancy books.... However I do have WTE the first year that I will read eventually...
  • W: Are you reading any parenting books?  If so, which ones?

    Nope, no parenting books here.  I'm still making it though some pregnacy ones.  I did however receive parents magazine in the mail yesterday...still have yet to look through it!

  • No, might think about it closer to my due date.
  • Just parenting magazines that I got for free Baby Talk and American Baby. Then I'm still reading through WTEWYE each week and I've been reading some of DH's book The Expectant Father.
  • T: My BFF is throwing the one for my friends and I will be 29 weeks at that one;  my SIL and my aunt are throwing the one for my family when I will be 30 weeks; and supposedly MIL and SMIL are throwing one for DH's family around when I am 34 weeks, though I will believe it when I see it.

    W: Not reading any yet.  I really should get on that!


  • W: Are you reading any parenting books? If so, which ones? Since I am in school right now I dont' have a lot of free time to read. My friends have lent me a few books. I know one of them is Babywise and I can't remember the others. I am going to wait for a few months to read them when I am out of school and the information will be fresher in my mind...
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • W: Are you reading any parenting books? If so, which

    What to expect when your expecting and week by week and pregancy fitness.... I can say I prefer week by week!

  • T: My MIL and SIL are throwing me a shower and one of my co-workers is throwing another one.  Neither has been completely planned yet (no definite dates), so I'm not sure how far along I'll be... 30+ weeks for sure, though.

    W: I am slowly making my way through What To Expect the First Year.

  • Please change my EDD to July 17th.  It was originally the 16th.  We're expecting a girl!  Thank you!  Smile

  • I'm not reading any parenting books right now although I feel like I probably should. I'm still working on the Pregnancy books.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I have read multiple pregnancy books, but no parenting books.

    DD #1 Amber Lynn 12/2000, DD #2 Leia Elizabeth 6/2009, DD#3 Aayla Ruth 08/2012. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • nope I am not ready any
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hi!

    This is my first post, but I have been roaming around reading so many interesting and helpful blogs from everyone. I am due July 12 and am having a baby girl :) I can't wait! Thanks for adding me to the list!


  • T: No shower for me... I don't really know anyone around here. Sad A few other Marine wives had mentioned throwing me a shower, but we will see if that happens. It makes me sad reading posts about baby showers.. I would LOVE to be able to be with all my friends and family again, but they're all so far away.

    W: Nope.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • M - weekend was good. No updates. LOVE my bump!! :)

    T - 1st Shower at 30w: MIL  (around 60 invited)                                  2nd Shower at 36w: Mom and sisters (just over 100 invited - yikes!)

    W - Just ordered WTE The First Year

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