I was reading the post below and I noticed people asked how much water the doctor said to drink. Mine didn't say anything about drinking a certain amount of water. Was it pretty much the same amount for everyone? I think she said 1.5 liters. Also, someone said that they might not tell you anything. They will tell your doctor. Has that happened to anyone? I am so stoked I don't want to be disappointed. Thanks!!
Re: Ultrasound tomorrow.. Different questions
If it is an internal ultrasound you don't have to drink any water. Can you call and ask what their requirements are?
Up here the tech can not give you any information. They send it all to your doctor/midwife and they tell you (I don't know if this applies to the sex as we didn't find out).
Mes Petit Choux
I can't go back to yesterday - because I was a different person then. ~ Alice
My dr said to drink 35-44 oz. And I have to drink it all in 15 minutes an hour before my appointment. Which will likely piss me off since they are always running late.
There's no way of telling if they will tell you right there or if the dr will.
I had 3 with each to get all the shots for various reasons.
With C. the first she was moving too much, the second she was asleep and sitting on her tush, we finally got all the shots at 26 weeks and finally found out what she was.
With J she was asleep and would not budge, had to go again at 22w but they could not tell thought I thought girl and had to get more heart shots beacue of a bad angle and found out she was a girl at 25.5 weeks.
I was told to drink for my first 2, I did and wanted to vomit and pee all over. BOTH times the tech put the want on me and said go empty your bladder. So I did not drink more than my normal amount and all was fine.
SO NOT drink a ton 90m before. A small bottle 30m before is PLENTY to get a full bladder.
When I booked the appointment they never said anything one way or another about drinking water. So I called today and asked because I had heard that I might have to, and it turns out I do. I'd call tomorrow and ask, but if the appointment is first thing in the morning maybe just drink the water and then if you don't need a full bladder, you can just pee before the U/S. That would be better than showing up and them making you guzzle a litre of water and then sit in the waiting room for an hour waiting for your bladder to fill.
I think usually the technicians can tell you the gender, but they can't give out any "medical" information about the anatomy, development, etc. At least that's how it usually works here...
Dude I had the same problem! I drank this huge thing of water (as told) and then they were over an HOUR late! It was miserable, and I was not a happy camper. Needless to say after they got all the "required" shots I had to get up and pee in the middle of the u/s. I swear I thought I was going to get a UTI! (thank goodness I didn't)
A full bladder will help push your ute up so it's easier to get some of the shots. Some dr's don't care...but I think the shots are better when the bladder is full. But that's JMO.
DITTO. That is nearly impossible for me.
I've had ultrasounds where they told me to drink the water and others where I didn't have to. I would call and check. If you don't have to drink the water, you don't want to...it was SO uncomfortable for me!
GL and enjoy your u/s!
Big E (6) & Little E (2.5)
For my big u/s I was told to eat/drink normally but not to pee before I got there. The tech would tell me if I needed to empty my bladder or not.
So I arrived with a pretty full bladder (but not uncomfortable) and made it through the entire u/s without peeing. The minute she was done, however, I used the bathroom. ;-)
Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013
To read my blog, click on the giraffe pic below!
My technician cleared that up for me: I was supposed to have my 12 wk U/S but I didn't get the appt until I was 14.5 wks (I was fine with that).
I mistakenly thought I "shouldn't pee an hour before" and so I didn't, and the tech made me get up half way through, go to the bathroom, and come back! I told her "oh, I though I wasn't supposed to" and she said "you were right: but that's only for U/S in first trimester, and you're second tri now!" (she was very nice and informative about lots of stuff).
And can I just say, she even teased me when she sent me out "oh, someone has a full bladder, you need to go empty that so I can finish the exam" but when I went to the bathroom, to me at least, it seemed like a very little amount of pee. So who knows what they intreperet as "full".