2nd Trimester

Heartburn... ughhhhhh...

So Maddie is giving mama horrible heartburn today.  My mom says she's gonna have a lot of hair because of my heartburn.  I don't know about that but I do know that I need more Tums.
mr & mrs || 11.18.06
DD born 07.06.09 || DS born 01.24.11 || Bean 3.0 due 11.16.12

Re: Heartburn... ughhhhhh...

  • try milk that always helped me- hope you feel better soon!
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  • I can't survive without a bottle of Tums Smoothies close by.

    For some reason, those work tons better than the regular ones for me.

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  • I don't usually believe in OWT about the heartburn/hair thing, but I had horrible heartburn with DS and he was born with a full head of jet-black hair!  Just think of all of the cute bows & ribbons you can put in her hair!  Also, try OTC Zantac.  I take 1/day with my PNV and it has changed my life--I swear.  I don't even have to take Tums anymore and I was taking up to 10/day before I made the switch!  GL!
  • i feel your pain. mine settled down for awhile, but has been horrible the past week or so. zantac works wonders when tums just wont do the trick, btw.
  • I had reflux with both my boys but now with this one I have major heart burn
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