What do you wish someone would have told you about delivery before you delivered or about PG before you had to experience it. and be honest!
1) ?no one tells you how much you swell after pushing thru labor. it (your peesh) can best be described as 2 pillows being smushed together. Nor do they tell you they fill baby diapers with ice to ease the pain to put on your peesh. (which was a great trick by the way?surprisingly?comfy because the diaper absorbs the water as the ice melts)?
2) the 6 week PP period is gross. especially if you arent used to wearing pads. ??
?3) nursing is the most painful thing in the beginning. the 1st 2 weeks were?awful, however suddenly, the pain stops and its amazing.
4) ?you may cry over the silliest things. for me after I got home from the hospital, I was cutting chicken in my kitchen and couldnt stop crying. the hormones following delivery were way worse than the PG hormones those first few days.
if I think if any more i will add....?
Re: poll for 2nd time moms for 1st time moms:
c/o my sister mother of one:
You wake up to the sound of a crying baby wondering who is that crying and why isn't anyone helping them?
1. PPD is the scariest thing you will ever go through. Did not have it with #1 but dealing will hell this time. You never know if you will get it but be prepared and educate yourself and DH on the symptoms.
2. No 2 deliveries are the same. I had 2 c-sections and both were so different from the OR to recovery.
3. Time is cruel and it goes SO fast. You are in 2nd tri with your first and all of a sudden they are almost 2 years old.
4. Nursing is dreadful even the 2nd time for the first 4-6 weeks. If you go into it with anything less than a can-do attitude and determination you are setting yourself up to fail. SO easy to give up when you are crying at the pain from a latch and pumping blood along with your BM.
1. PP bleeding
2. painful first pp poop
3. the crazy roller coaster of emotions!
Baking Blog
C-section ladies- the worst part is the catheter, not the spinal, the wound afterwards or even the embarrassment of the nurse shaving your hoo-hoo infront of DH. You have to WALK to the OR with that thing dangling from your crotch.
I had one both times obviously but I never thought twice about it. It is not like anyone else on the floor who will see you has just had a baby or works there. And who cares about visitors you will never see again, they are checking out the baby, lol.
How much the first PP BM is.
How much it would hurt to wash my hair (my C-section area was VERY painful!)
How if your epi doesn't work and you're being prepped for an emergency c-section they will just knock you out.
The lack of sleep you get at the hospital, regardless of nursery or no.
How great it would feel to hold your child for the first time, and how you don't hear/see anything else in the world at that moment.
It was more of a comfort issue than anything. It really hurt for me, worse than any of the contractions I was having or even the pain afterwards. My SIL said she got her spinal before the foley, lucky. I wonder now if they inflated it too much or something cause it hurt.
For those of you c-section ladies:
Why can't you just ask them to cath you AFTER you get the epi/spinal? This is one of my only requests with this repeat c-section. I've never heard of a nurse refusing to wait until after you get numbed up if they're asked.
As far as stuff I wish I'd known:
Dark clothes PP. I bled all the way down to the floor while standing in the nursery and wasn't wearing super-dark pants. Whoops.
The first post-C poop. Oh.my.god.
How effing itchy the C scar gets. I thought I was going to go nuts both times it healed.
After delivery with both of my children, the nurses insisted on staying in the bathroom with me while showering for safety precautions. Even though they had just seen me in my full glory, it still weirded me out. They finally gave in and left when DH came in to help me and keep and eye on me.
Being totally freaked out about pooping after delivery when you have an episotomy. I was paranoid I would rip the stitches right out when pushing and I had to poop so bad! Stool softners are your friend.
The amount of blood/afterbirth that flows out right after delivery. OMG. The nurse was quite literally holding a bucket underneath me while I walked to the bathroom.
That they feed you a ridiculous amount of saline. You swell up like a balloon and will probably actually weigh more after delivery.
I'm late here but will chime in with mine...
1. First PP poop is dreadful - I was in tears just thinking about it!
2. Breastfeeding hurts! At least, it did for me. We took the breastfeeding class where they tell you that if it hurts, you're doing it wrong. Not the case, in reality. Even the LC's told me we're doing everything right, it's just "a little tender". Whatever - it was excruciating at times!