I hadn't thought about this before, but I know I will need some undies to rock the humungo pads after delivery and to come home in. What all are you planning on wearing? Granny panties? Briefs? Boy shorts? I'm *pretty sure* my thongs aren't going to cut it for those first few days/weeks.
I know they give the mesh ones in hospital (and I will probably be sporting those for the first 24 hours at least), but what about for when you go home? Any 2nd time moms have advice on this?
Re: the hospital gowns post below has me thinking...
Baking Blog
good point
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I am thinking depends! Boy shorts after or cheekies
Honestly..everyone who I have talked to said to get disposable undies. (wherever and whatever they are) I have no clue. Are they like depends?! But anyways Im assuming you bleed alot and etc. Plus Im thinking I want to be as comfy as possible.. Idk
Ha ha! My first thought is, honey, I gave up thongs a loooong time ago. But then again, hemmies and thongs are not friends! So I'm guessing I'll stick with my cotton briefs. I wouldn't say they're granny panties but I did buy some mat. undies that have a higher waist.
I got some advice to get Depends, so I'm going to do that for the heaviest days. Then just my period panties (we all know we have them!!) with a thick pad (I am now grossed our remembering that part of having a bay).
This may sound crazy but I don't have period panties. I have never used a pad they kinda gross me out...I always use tampons. ?I know I will have to get over that and I guess do some shopping for some new panties or depends. ??
Mes Petit Choux
I can't go back to yesterday - because I was a different person then. ~ Alice
Ditto. I have my "period panties" but they are thongs as well-ones that I don't mind if they get stained if I leak. And I'm totally with you on tampons over pads-I feel really gross when I wear a pad. Guess I'll have to get over it though! I liked the suggestion of snazzy Hanes-I'm thinking I may just do that.
Part of my problem is that I have no butt, so with full-butt panties there is nothing to keep the fabric in place so it just turns into a massive thong anyway.