2nd Trimester

I hate it when..

DH asks me where something is without even bothering to look around for it.

He does this all the time lately, and it's always something that he has used more recently than me, like tonight it was the nail clippers. This morning he woke me up to ask me where the lotion was. Then tonight he told me I was a b!tch this morning when he asked about the lotion and not "sweet", uh yeah dumbass, you WOKE me up to ask me something I didn't have the answer too!



Re: I hate it when..

  • Ha! Sounds like my DH. He has days where he has to be up at 3:30am, and he always seems to need to ask me question those days. I want to strangle him!
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  • My DH does the same thing. I "love" it when he wakes me up in the morning to ask where his work clothes are....umm in the dresser like always. Or where his wallet is. The worst is when he asks for something and just can't take instruction, like the peanut butter is in the corner cupboard on the bottom shelf and he starts looking some where else -sometimes it is just easier to get it for him. Drives me CRAZY. This is going to have to stop before baby gets here!! Even with pg brain I can find things WHAT is his excuse??
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  • I feel your pain. Since I quit my job to stay home at the end of January, housework has been my sole responsibility. Not that I am complaining, I love staying home, but it has made DH soooo lazy!! He won't even pick up his underwear from the bathroom floor anymore. And even though I almost always keep the dishwasher empty with dirty dishes, he still leaves his stuff in the sink. I guess I wouldn't have enough to do if he didn't leave messes for me to clean up :P
  • My DH has been doing the same thing.  He asked me where his glassed were the other day.  I responded with, "I didn't know I was supposed to keep track of YOUR glasses for you." Super irritating! 

    We were also out grocery shopping, which he hasn't done in two months because he's been on crutches and he said, "Oh, we need mayo, the real stuff"  I said, "No, honey we have mayon in the fridge." He says, "We do, all I could find was the miracle whip".  When we got home it was right smack-dab at the front of the middle shelf when you open the door.  I told him, "You know, maybe next week I'll just make concoctions out of everything in the fridge and pantry so you can see what we have to eat!" 

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I feel your pain. 

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  • My DH does this all the time. Sometimes he even asks and won't listen to the answer... One time after asking me where EVERYTHING was a friend said "when shes not around you can cure cancer, but she walks in the room and you cant function" 
  • This annoys the crap out of me, and DH does it all the time too!  It's like, COME ON...are you a baby???  I bet our unborn son could find that without asking me!  :-)
  • Eeek.. I would hate that too!
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  • imageGoldmanBaby09:
    I feel your pain. Since I quit my job to stay home at the end of January, housework has been my sole responsibility. Not that I am complaining, I love staying home, but it has made DH soooo lazy!! He won't even pick up his underwear from the bathroom floor anymore. And even though I almost always keep the dishwasher empty with dirty dishes, he still leaves his stuff in the sink. I guess I wouldn't have enough to do if he didn't leave messes for me to clean up :P

    You must have posted at the same time as me...I was laid off in January, a week before my DH broke his leg, and he's turned the same way!  I have been keeping up with dishes and laundry and everyday there's another pile.  UGH!  I agree though, I think I'd be even more bored out of my mind if he didn't leave that stuff!

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  • imageyellowsnow:

    I feel your pain. Since I quit my job to stay home at the end of January, housework has been my sole responsibility. Not that I am complaining, I love staying home, but it has made DH soooo lazy!! He won't even pick up his underwear from the bathroom floor anymore. And even though I almost always keep the dishwasher empty with dirty dishes, he still leaves his stuff in the sink. I guess I wouldn't have enough to do if he didn't leave messes for me to clean up :P

    You must have posted at the same time as me...I was laid off in January, a week before my DH broke his leg, and he's turned the same way!  I have been keeping up with dishes and laundry and everyday there's another pile.  UGH!  I agree though, I think I'd be even more bored out of my mind if he didn't leave that stuff!


    Yeah, it's fine for now as I have nothing better to do. Plus he has been working long hours at work then coming home and doing computer repair and web design side jobs, so I know he is working hard. But he better get out of that habit when the baby comes, as I will not have the time or the energy to pick up after him like he is a little boy. I will have an actually little boy to take care of!

  • My DH always is asking me where his hat and wallet are! I always tell him " I dont use them, why would I know?" It drives me crazy!!

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  • DH told me that he thinks I know where everything is because I am home all day. I'm also not working, but just because I'm home all day doesn't mean I know where YOU put the nail clippers after YOU used them last!

    Sometimes I wonder how he found anything before we got together. Seriously

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