I've been looking on Etsy and found a few, but I'm interested in finding more. I'm not sure I'm talented enough to make my own. Does anyone know of websites with cute hospital gowns other than Etsy?
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Re: Anyone buying or making their own hospital gowns?
I'm still debating on if it's worth it. ?I guess, since I'm a total AW and will probably be taking tons of pics in the hospital, it would be worth it, but all the ones I've seen online are so expensive!?
How much are the ones on Etsy that you've found??
This is a new concept to me...people buy their own?
There was no way that I cared about how cute I was while I was in labor or during delivery. Is this for for post partum?
Nope. Having already been in labor...I know it ain't pretty....and the bleeding afterwards is horrendous (TMI - But I stodd up a day after having DS and blood gushed to the floor - I thought DH was going to pass out, lol).
I'm saving my $$ for other things. Dirty the hospital stuff.
Baking Blog
You might be taking lots of pics but who the heck is gonna care about your gown? There will be a BABY in the pics that will stand out a little more, I think.
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pPROM at 27 weeks, Birdy born at 28 weeks at 2lb 7oz.
Anywhere from $40 to $70
Also, I think people are referring to the fact that things can still be, um, messy AFTER delivery.
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Mes Petit Choux
I can't go back to yesterday - because I was a different person then. ~ Alice
Because you really don't need one after the baby is born. As soon as I showered, I was into my own clothes, which look nice in pics.
I guess the main purpose is for postpartum. But maybe I'm also crazy for being grossed out by all the blood and goo that's been all over those gowns - from someone elses body - dozens and dozens of times.
You're not crazy for being grossed out by blood and goo on hospital gowns. But, you're will get your own blood and goo and I really am curious what you plan to do with the gown when it is dirty? Take it home? (I'm not trying to be snarky!!!) Also, you really don't NEED one post-partum - a night gown, nursing top, etc. would suffice.
I was in L&D two weeks ago and the gowns were horrid. (PS--the gowns are made to open in the back, but they kept needing to see my stomach (to reposition the monitors, use the doppler, and do the u/s) so they pulled my gown up to my chin every time they needed to check something. (I could have been naked and would have shown less.)
I heard an interesting idea from another board. She bought two pairs of inexpensive pajama sets from Target in black and wore them in the hospital post pg. If you buy ones that button the whole way up the front, you have fairly good access for bfing. I have my whole family on watch for some.
So have all the sheets that you'll be laying on. No one brings their own sheets to a hospital. Everything is cleaned.
That said, yeah...they're cute. I wouldn't waste my money on one.
I understand this. I REALLY do... But, they had to give me a fresh gown SEVERAL times. (sorry, TMI) So, I'm not sure how it would work out if I made/took my own. I may or may not have enough. I like the idea in theory and may take a few old nightgowns or long tee shirts. I just laughed at *making* gowns for this occassion because I don't make ANY type of clothing.
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I was SO coming back to say this- are you going to take your own sheets? LOL. Of course everything is cleaned.
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I plan on doing this. I will most likely get a cute nursing gown but won't pay much for it.
LOL! It will get trashed. I don't want to take it home. That's why I don't want to spend too much on one, and why I'm asking if anyone knows where I can buy one.
I suppose I could just do a nursing tank like the PP mentioned, and then maybe wear a robe if I need to walk around.
Seriously, during labour it gets nasty, I often change my pt's gowns several times do to fluid, vomit, blood, etc. EVEN pp!
The hospital gowns are cleaned & disinfected.
I have had pts bring super cheap night gowns (liek the $7 Target/Walmart ones) and labour in these, but i think it pointless.
PP was right you are much better off to invest in some cute nursing night gowns or Pjs to wear after. Then you can still use them at home, try to get dark colours! But trust me wait till the next day, you will be shocked at how much you bleed the first 24 hrs. Its a lot, often big gushes & the nurses need to coem in & check your uterus & your bottom every few hrs for the first 24 hrs. Wear a gown & change later!
I'm not sure how running to gp to complain about 2nd tri is going to help you any w/ the snarky responses.
I will probably follow the advice of the moms on the board. It would be nice to have my own clothes but I'm sure I would just bleed through it within 5 minutes, and then what's the point?
I was in the hospital this summer and had to wear a hospital gown. I didn't find it to be nasty or anything. So I'm sure it will be fine. Plus, if it's one thing I can save money on, I'd prefer to do that.