Ok I have never had a problem with breakouts, but this is just stupid. My face and my back.Is anyone having this problem? please say "yes" ...lol tell me I am not alone. What can I do to take care of it, I know there are things you can't use when your pregnant.Please Help!!!
Re: Breaking out???
yes, and it's fairly common. ask your doc. mine doesn't prescribe anything, but some do.
it's mostly your lovely hormones. i just use a gentle cleanser, make sure to drink lots of water, and try not to let some zits bug me too much because it's been one of my only symptoms. i know it could be worse!
I never got bad breakouts - I have a huge one in my hair at the back of my head. I had some on my neck and thought I had poison ivy.
To soothe the ones on my face - I have used toothpaste. My esthetician (spelling) said it was okay.
My face went bonkers in 2nd tri. I just switched from my Origins face wash back to Cetaphil and my face seems to be clearing. Thank god.
You might give it a whirl.
That same thing is happening to me. It has started to clear up this week though *crosses fingers*. I had great skin while I was on the pill...but as soon as I got pregnant it was breakout city. I just kept using my Mary Kay and praying it would get better. Good luck!
DD #2 2 years old (08/17/11)
DD #3 born 08/29/13