2nd Trimester

T minus 13 hrs until Amnio (scared)

I am starting to have my second freakout moment of the day.  I have an appt tomorrow AM for an u/s and amnio.  I spent the day with my friend and her baby who went through a Trisomy 18 scare from her first u/s and had the amnio done and everything is fine.  

But now that I am getting closer to it I am getting so nervous and wondering if this is the right thing to do, etc.  DH is scared but thinks this is the right thing for us to find out the definitive answer.  I got the screening done for downs to be prepared.  I was not in anyway prepared for a 1 in 8 chance of Trisomy 18.  

Please pray for me and my family -- especially as I need to calm down for this little one I am carrying. 

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Re: T minus 13 hrs until Amnio (scared)

  • I will definitely say a prayer for your family.  Let us know how everything turns out!
  • Oh Jeffrae, I am praying for you, DH, and your precious little one.  ((hugs)) and peace to you. 
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  • I will keep you in my thoughts, best of luck.
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  • I had posted on one of your earlier posts. I was really scared about the possibility of an amnio when our results came back abnormal. Luckily we just needed another u/s but the chromosomal disorders are a little more difficult. When my mom had my youngest brother 9 years ago, she had to have an amnio. When I asked her about it, she said that it was built up in her head worse than it was. They have two people, one to work the u/s and another to guide the needle. They usually numb you up with a local first, so you don't feel much pain. She said it was over rather quickly. She didn't feel crampy or leak fluid or anything like that after. She did feel drained and spent most of the rest of the afternoon afterwards napping. I think the hardest part will be waiting for the results, which can take up to two weeks with an amnio. I hope all goes well for you and that everything turns out just fine. 
  • Good luck! I wish you and the baby the best!

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  • Best of luck, sweetie!!  Just think about the u/s part and getting to see your cutie again.  Smile  Everything will be great!
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  • I am praying for you. Glad to hear you got the amnio scheduled so quickly -- waiting is difficult. Let us know how it goes tomorrow.


  • I will keep you and your little one in my prayers
  • I will keep you in my prayers and will be thinking of you tomorrow.  Be brave for your little one.
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  • I had an amio 3 weeks ago and was also scared of the miscarriage risk. My DH and I almost walked out of it right before but then decided we really needed to know. The amnio itself was a non-issue. It didn't hurt at all and was so fast - maybe 30 seconds. I knew right away that everything would turn out fine and it did. Good luck to you! I am sure everything will be good for you and your little one.
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  • You are so doing the right thing.  Knowledge is power.  The tests are the easy part, it is the waiting for the results that really tests your will.  But hand in there and focus on staying positive.  Everything will work out.  Hugs and prayers.  Keep us posted. 
  • Good luck tomorrow.  I hope the procedure goes well and you get great results back.  Remember to take it easy tomorrow.  It will be emotionally draining so pamper yourself.
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  • Good Luck!!!! I will be thinking and praying for you. I have mine tomorrow. Similiar issue, my NT results show a 1 and 5 chance. I have been freaking out too but I think knowing will make the rest of pregnancy easier.

    Good luck and keep us posted.

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