2nd Trimester

When were you approached

to be thrown a shower for you?  No one has asked, so I'm assuming we won't be having one.  Not a huge deal, just kinda bums a person out.

Re: When were you approached

  • about a month ago. don't worry- there is still plenty of time!
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  • by DH's cousins (who I am close to) during the 1st tri. I've gotten 3 other shower offers lately as well, but 2 will probably work out. I am actually quite shocked!
  • my mom and sister starting talking about it the day DH and I told my mom (I was just shy of 10weeks).  They are a little crazy like that Big Smile
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  • my MIL has mentioned it several times, but never with details, etc. My family has never mentioned it - but I mentioned something to my mom in passing (sort of a "if anyone decides to do one...I would like"...and put in a request) and she was like "Well of course we'll have one!

    It's just really early still...I mean, usually invites go out 3-4 weeks in advance...and if the shower isn't until around 30ish weeks..there's plenty of time!
  • Im from the East coast but live in Cali now...my East coast family and friends start talking about it since the day they knew I was pregnant since they know Ill want to make  travel plans.  My friends out here started talking about it probably just as early...I think everyone is just excited to celebrate since Im one of the first to have a baby.  You definitely still have time...OR maybe it's a surprise. 
  • Around 18 weeks people started talking about it. My cousin offered to throw me one last week. And my MIL has talked about a shower almost since she knew I was pregnant.

    On a related note, I love how my family keeps asking me if I'm going to have a shower in my hometown. Umm, I don't know. It's not up to me to plan!

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  • Around 12 weeks... I found out first after one of my SIL's had her "sprinkle" (small shower since she was having a boy after 2 girls) and another SIL told me at our family birthday party that she was planning it and some of her ideas. Then the following week my mom called me to ask me about some dates because my sister was trying to set a date.

    Have to say though, the only reason we were approached so fast is because DH and I are both the babies in the family so both families are really excited. We're the last to have babies and while there are always babies being born in our family (seriously... we're having baby number 5 of 6 that all occur/ed between last april and this october on just one side), the first is cause to celebrate!

  • The day after we told them.....
  • Huh...yeah I was kind of surprised we haven't been asked...I'm one of two children, and my brother won't be having kids any time soon...and on DH's side this will be the first grandchild.  Seeing as most of you were asked so early on, I'm going to assume its a dead horse for us.  Thanks for the help!
  • Two of my friends mentioned it right after we told them I was pregnant. One has started planning a shower in my home city and contacted me just a few weeks ago to get details (it was after my 20 week u/s). I assume that the other one is going to plan a small gtg not really a shower in my current city (we've only been here 18 months), so not as much planning to do (likely just a nice lunch/dinner out).
  • My mom offered as soon as she found out, pretty much, and I accepted. My cousin then offered to throw one at around the four month mark, but two seemed like overkill so I said my mom was already having one for me.
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