2nd Trimester

Breast pump! Which one do you recommend?

Hi Gals!

I am looking around for a breast pump and was wondering if and what you have purchased.

Also- got the first big item for baby today!  Got a Pack and Play! 
So exciting!


Re: Breast pump! Which one do you recommend?

  • i am going with the ameda purely yours. google the reviews.
  • I actually did a ton of research on this and have decided on the Lansinoh electric double pump. It goes for about $150. From what I found out the Medela & Lansinoh were actually part of the same company then they split so both pumps were designed by the same people, although the Lansinoh has a bit of newer technology where the milk won't back up into the pump. The Medela pumps (which cost about $130 more) don't have this feature. I would be willing to pay more for a pump if I thought it was worth it but it just doesn't seem to make sense. Good luck with whatever you decide. It's such a hard descision!
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  • Just another note: the Ameda Purely yours was also part of the same company and is exactly the same as the Lansinoh pump, any of those three are really supposed to be the best.  
  • On a side note, Check and see if your insurance will cover a breast pump. ?Mine will as long as I have my OB write a prescription for it.
    image Liam Henry: 9/5/09 Emmeline Claire: 5/23/11
  • imageLAT37:
    I actually did a ton of research on this and have decided on the Lansinoh electric double pump. It goes for about $150. From what I found out the Medela & Lansinoh were actually part of the same company then they split so both pumps were designed by the same people, although the Lansinoh has a bit of newer technology where the milk won't back up into the pump. The Medela pumps (which cost about $130 more) don't have this feature. I would be willing to pay more for a pump if I thought it was worth it but it just doesn't seem to make sense. Good luck with whatever you decide. It's such a hard descision!

    I'm using this one. 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Thanks guys!

    It's nice to help narrow down the list.  I am thinking of getting the Ameda purley yours.  
    I found it on craigs list for $40 and you can get the hygienkit from them directly for $50.

    Not too bad!

  • imagejanice74:
    On a side note, Check and see if your insurance will cover a breast pump. ?Mine will as long as I have my OB write a prescription for it.
    That is such a good idea! I'm going to check on that tomorrow.
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  • imagelucyatx:

    Thanks guys!

    It's nice to help narrow down the list.  I am thinking of getting the Ameda purley yours.  
    I found it on craigs list for $40 and you can get the hygienkit from them directly for $50.

    Not too bad!

    I was warned against using a friend's pump due to possible bacteria as well as the fact the she used it for 2 children (only pumped, didn't BF) and at least 2 other friends have used it-- motor in the personal pumps are only to be used with "2.5 kids" and 4 going on to 5 would really be pushing it's effectiveness.

    Married to the Love of My Life since September 14, 2002. 
    Me: 39 DH: 36
    BFP#1: 10/20/08,  EDD: 6/29/09
    PIH, bedrest for 4 wks, delivered at 39 weeks by induction and then c-section- Healthy baby boy on 6/24/09 :-)

    BFP#2: 11/24/11, EDD: 8/4/12, Angel Baby- 2/19/12
    Enlarged bladder seen on U/S at 12 weeks (1/15/12), possibly LUTO or Prune Belly, Heartbeat at OB on 2/17/12,
    No heartbeat/movement at U/S on 2/20/12, (missed MC), D&E:2/22/12.  Miscarried our sweet angel boy @ 16 wks

    TTCAL since June 2012, 
    Progesterone normal, FSH elevated & AMH on the low side--  "ovaries acting older"
    Clomid cycles: 50 mg in February, July, August, September, November 2013, June 2014--  BFNs!!  :-(
    August & September 2014: Clomid, HCG and IUI-- BFNs
    September 2014: FSH= 15.7 AMH= 0.25  UGH!!!  Old lady Ovaries!!!
    October & November 2014: Gonadatropin injections, HCG & IUI... BFNs!!

    We have been blessed with a sweet little boy.  
    Hoping to be able to give him a sibling someday.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • You might get more responses on the breastfeeding board.

    Last time I had a Medela PISA.  I HATED it so much that I am buying a different one this time (ameda purely yours).  It's gotten much better reviews.  I know some people say they never had issues with milk backup in the Medela, but I did.  Since I pumped for 10 months at work (3+ times a day), mine got a lot of use.

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