2nd Trimester

Our "glider" just arrived!

I put glider in quotations because we opted to get a rocker/recliner instead of a traditional glider.  The room we'll be using as a nursery is sort of on the small side, so when he gets bigger, we can move out the recliner and use it in our living room and he'll have more space for toys, etc.  We're trying to find furniture that can double up or be used for a very long time, so this works out well for us.

Re: Our "glider" just arrived!

  • Which one did you get? We are looking to do the same
  • We got a La-Z-Boy recliner.  It is a medium sized one.  It works out well because our living room has a lot of blue tones and so does the future nursery, so it can be used in either of those rooms.
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  • That is what we want to do, too. I have been looking at Best Chairs and think we made a decision. But you brought up Lazboy which we didn't even consider, so which model did you get? It rocks too? We might have to go to Lazboy this weekend for a test drive.
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