i went early because my doc was concerned about my blood pressure being in the prehypertension range~ so she sent me for glucose too to be on the safe side~
i had it done right before turning 18 weeks~ i will prob go again later~ not sure what she has planned for me!
Re: At what week did you take your glucose test?
i went early because my doc was concerned about my blood pressure being in the prehypertension range~ so she sent me for glucose too to be on the safe side~
i had it done right before turning 18 weeks~ i will prob go again later~ not sure what she has planned for me!
Mes Petit Choux
I can't go back to yesterday - because I was a different person then. ~ Alice
Took one at about 10/12 weeks (high risk for GD due to PCOS and being on the Metformin. Failed 1 hour passsed 3 hour)
Have to re-take test at 28 weeks