from :,,20267439,00.html
Nadya Suleman essentially said "thanks, but no thanks" to the
non-profit group Angels in Waiting Monday when the octuplets' mother
informed them that their free-of-charge infant-care services were no longer needed.
"It was a poor fit from the start," says Jeff Czech, Suleman's attorney and spokesman.
Suleman, explains Czech, could never quite shake the fact that
attorney Gloria Allred, who was responsible for pairing Angels with
Suleman, initially filed a complaint with Child Protective Services
about the mother of 14. Allred later threatened that, without proper
nursing care, Suleman's children might be doled out to foster homes.
to Czech, "Suleman felt uncomfortable by some of the things that Gloria
Allred said, starting with her complaint to CPS."
Allred declined to comment on the matter.
Re: octumom fires her free nannies...
Alrighty then. More power to her if she can pay for it herself.... however it's still charity, since she doesn't have any money.
I swear everything she does is to just bring more attention to her. If I was offered free nanny services I would take it, and stash the money I was saving so I could use it for my kids.
She really does make me sick.