2nd Trimester


How long are you waiting to have your baby baptized?  We have to rent a hall to house all of the people that "require" an invitation for this event.  It is going to be like planning a wedding.  Centerpieces, linens, favors...ugh.  I just don't know how long I am allowed to wait to have this extravaganza with out hearing complaining. 

Re: Baptism???

  • Probably when the baby is about 6 months. Old enough to hold up her head..Renting a hall? No...we'll do it during the church service, they do that at my church. And maybe go out to eat afterward.
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  • We are going to do it when the baby is 6 months old at most.   DH and I both believe it baptizing asap, but we also want to have a baptism party and I know I won't be able to handle the planning, invites, etc...until Noah is at least 4 months old.
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  • we will probably do this a month or two after the baby is born. and we wont be renting a hall. we will probably have the "after party" at my moms house or at the godparents house.
  • Our baby will be about 4 months old when she is baptized. 
  • i'm in a similar dilemma, but only because of dh's out of town family and the weather. we will have to invite a lot of ppl, but we will not go to the extreme of centerpieces and linens. i want to get it done in the first few months, but am worried about the weather & also the holidays. with my other 2, we had the baptism done within the first 4 months.
  • Renting a hall and getting food is the standard for our family.Everyone generally wants to come and see the babe take his/her first big religious rite of passage.

    It is custom, for us, to generally baptize the babe as soon as possible, based on the earliest available time for the church...2-3 months.. My family is crazy superstitous so you don't take the baby out until he/she is baptized (doctors appts not counting)

  • I think it really just depends on your faith/beliefs. I was raised Catholic and was christened at two weeks. In Catholicism, infants are to be baptised immediately if their life is in danger. Otherwise, they're supposed to be baptised as soon as possible after birth, though it's perfectly acceptable to postpone it for a while if the baby or mother aren't in good health, or if you need more time to plan or allow for family to travel. I don't know how other denominations view infant baptisms, so I can't guess if some people will think you're waiting too long.
  • My baby will be about 3 or 4 months old. And after Church a small get together at my moms.
  • Holy cow these are some fancy affairs some of you are having! Our family and religious traditions aren't quite so grand. We haven't discussed whether we're baptizing immediately, at 3-6 months, or maybe even waiting to let our LO get baptized once they've reached the age of reason. I'm sure my mom and MIL will have opinions; if we do it while LO is a baby, ours will just be a church service and small reception afterward likely at our home.
  • We will dedicate our son once he is a few months old.  We'll wait for baptism until he is old enough to make the decision to do so himself.

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  • DS was born in Dec.  We baptised him in early May.  We did the whole hall thing, and honestly I just couldn't get it together before that.  I totally had started to get comments about it when we finally did get around to it.



  • Probably 3 to 4 months, depending on whether we decide to have her baptised at our church here (which we rarely attend) or at my parents' church (a 12 hour drive away).
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  • I'm with pp - wow, that's quite elaborate!

    I'm Catholic, and the baptism happens during the Mass - or if we elect, during a 2pm Sunday ceremony of nothing but Rites of Baptism with other families. ?They have infant baptisms 6 times a year at our parish, so I think our kid will be baptized in October or November - I'll have to check the calendar.

    There's no "reception halls" or "centerpieces" or anything! ?There is a small reception at the church for the parents, and I'm sure we'll have our own dinner with family, etc. ?But nothing big and elaborate - and actually, I had no idea that it was such a social affair for others!?

  • Thanks for you responses.  We are Italian Catholics, so yes it is a huge social affair, which I agree takes away from the sacrament.  I called the church and they said that the baby should be baptize within the first month, and you should not take the baby out before it is baptized.  I had no idea.  Also, my husband and I should go to the classes before the baby is born.  One more thing to add to my list. 



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