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Dear co-irker (vent)

I understand that you are trying to relocate your family, and that it's tough to sell houses in this market.  BUT I don't think it's appropriate to have 40 (and counting) minute conversations on the phone with your real estate agent.  Not to mention the fact that you're doing this AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS.  Shut up, before I come over there and kick you - I know I can do it because you're so busy and so loud doing non-work related things that you won't even hear me until my foot hits the back of your head and knocks the stupid phone right out of your hand.

Granted, I am not the exemplary employee - but at least when I do non-work things... I do them quietly.  Vent over, thanks ladies.

Re: Dear co-irker (vent)

  • HAHAHA! I hate that...that is all people do that I work with, make personal phone calls...I don't even know how most of the people here have jobs...LOL
  • p.s. if anyone would like to buy a house - or a very pricey condo in South Carolina, I've got someone for you to talk to.  The house is 280, the condo is 370 (even though it cost him 450 to build it).  I don't know where in SC they are - but there you go.  He's also thinking of selling his investment property - no clue what it is or where or any deets on that, but I'm sure I can get them in the next few days as his conversations continue.
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  • Ugh, I hate when people make loud personal calls at work. It's so inappropriate.

    That deserves a nice throatpunch. 

  • Co-irker...I like that!  Tell him I'm interested in the condo if he'll include the phone in the sale...
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  • mine have been bothering me a lot more lately too...i think i just have less tolerance for people who do not have inside voices. they always seem to use those non-inside voices for socializing, too, and it's annoying to listen to. plus, i work in an office where it's not really cool to close your door because people will think something is wrong and be nosy, so i am stuck suffering...
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