2nd Trimester

AW: Holy maternity leave, Batman!

Just had my meeting w/ HR to discuss maternity leave/policies/etc.  Wowza!!!  I get 13 weeks FULLY paid!  Plus they give you 2 weeks prior to your due date which doesn't count against your 13 weeks, so it's really like 15 weeks.  AND the 13 weeks doesn't start until baby is born and they count any time in between your due date & that date as short-term disability (fully paid).  So if baby is 2 weeks late (lord help me), I would have 17 weeks fully paid! Party!!! And if I decide not to go back to work at the end, that's that.  Don't have to come back for a day or anything in order to keep it.

Now I just have to hold my breath for the next 14 weeks and hope that I don't get included in any mass company layoffs. Indifferent

Re: AW: Holy maternity leave, Batman!

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