So today I had some pretty bad back pain and cramping, probably from doing too much housework. My solution: lie down and take it easy. His: we should call the hospital. What if something is wrong with the baby? What if you have *this* or *that* condition? What if you need to be on bedrest? He reads WAY too much. He's so freaked something will go wrong. Poor guy. He's going to be a mess when I start having contractions...
Re: My DH is such a worry-wort
I carried some groceries home from Whole Foods the other day (it's about a mile walk each way) and when I came back my arms were tired. He immediately wanted to go to the ER. For. sore. arms. Nothing to do with the baby. You gotta love the attention though.
My DH is the exact same way!!! If I say I have a cramp he gasps for air and says "what kind of cramps?" .... I have to be very specific now when I say something is wrong... many times I just don't tell him anymore.. God help us when we go into labor, they will be a total mess! lol
That's so cute! DH doesn't worry like that with me. He tells me I work too much (go to work, come home and do dishes, etc.) and that I should sit down and relax. That's about it.
I could see that getting a little irritating, but it sounds so cute right now!
Same with my DH. I'm like, "It's not a bad cramp. I just have to poop. Calm down." He also doesn't like when I go on walks without him. He is convinced that there are "boogies and creepies" out there who will get me!