Hi ladies ~ I did not get a chance to update this list after Monday's check-in. I will do that before posting Wednesday! Thanks for your patience
Welcome to the July Sparklers? daily check-in! This is a group for women who are due in July 2009. To be added to the list, please reply to this post with your name, age, and EDD. You may also let me know if your age or EDD has changed!
As you find out what the sex of your baby is, please let me know (by posting it in your reply to this check-in or by emailing me) so we can keep track of the number of boys, girls, and surprises!
Are you new and feeling a little lost? You might find these links helpful: Bump abbreviations, Bump badges, create a ticker, Bump FAQs.
Have an idea for a QOTD (question of the day)? Email me at MamaJan0208 at gmail dot com.
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Total members: 592
Sets of Twins: 16
Boys: 190 Girls: 127 Surprises: 39
Most common EDD: July 4 (33 members)
Least common EDD: July 7 (8 members)
Bed Rest Sparklers: MCGMK, KrisFlower, Julybride_07
Thoughts & Prayers (click name for recent update): Jamers615 (update 3/20 ? Patrick William Oliver, born Thursday 3/19 at 21 weeks, see Jamie?s blog for more details); xGoingToTheChapelX (update 2/25 ? loss of identical twin boys at 19 weeks, Caden August & Casey Francis delivered Thursday 2/20); Julybaby09 (update 2/18 - confirmed late miscarriage at 19 weeks, due to triploidy)
Unknown Due Date ? please update with your EDD!
kscarlett5683 (36)
July 1 (20)
allicia82 (Allicia, 26)
AZ2MN4LOVE (Briana)
Brittanie_1987 (Brittanie, 21)
CAParisi (30)
Chrysallys (Jennifer, 36)
debisheldon (Debi, 30) ? TWINS!
desabean (36)
kit443 (Carson, 28)
lucyatx (35)
melina_safady (Melina, 29)
musicamh (Ashley)
msummer615 (Michelle, 28)
patrickandkim (Kim, 25)
PnJ Mooney (Jacqueline, 25)
skorpia1074 (Lina)
skylooo (Katie, 26)
wilson_ashlyn (Ashley, 24)
Zeener (Azine, 28)
July 2 (18)
3PupsAndABaby (Kimmie, 25)
Aimee&Bill (Aimee, 32)
CalinsBride (Keshia, 23)
duckee88 (Brittney, 20)
HisLovf (Jen, 26)
jrodda (28)
kbryan03 (Kelley, 23)
KevandJess (28)
kkmack (Kristen, 25)
NewBride0423 (Tish, 33)
NManger (Nichole)
Pugs05 (Jen, 28)
Shoop-na-doopa (Trish, 31)
slamamama (23)
Soon2BMrsN (26)
s.s.girl (24) ? TWINS!
tml0701 (Toni, 31)
July 3 (20)
Beccaboo0713 (Becca, 24)
bridetobe05 (Amy, 30)
Bririna (31)
fawnanddoe (Jessica, 25)
gr8skin4u2 (Sandi, 43)
hickler7 (Jennifer, 30)
hparrott (Heather, 22)
jods8 (Jody)
kaightea (Katie, 26)
lennonlover (Angie, 26)
luvpiggies (Erin, 27)
mnimee (Marissa, 30)
mrs.serrato85 (23)
mrstrn (Becca, 30)
Mrs.Underwood (Meagan, 25)
MrsZ71407 (26)
rebus82 (Randi, 26)
seth&linds (Lindsay, 26)
stlJanaJo (Jana)
July 4 (33)
alison1020 (Alison, 29)
AZ*Grl (Janie, 25)
babyjoy09 (Brenda, 23)
bleu928 (Andrea, 27)
coffeekitten (Rachel Marie, 26)
daveNmissy (Melissa, 27) ? TWINS!
erino&chrish (Erin, 29)
esmoore (Elizabeth, 23)
Jamie and Matt (Jamie, 23)
jennloves (Jennifer, 25)
khagan9368 (32)
korndog99 (Kory, 27)
LianeL (Lori, 37)
M. Amy (38)
Manalyzer (24)
matt&steph (Stephanie, 27)
meyemn28 (Marissa, 24)
MiaVonT (Mia, 28) ? TWINS!
momtobetimes3 (29)
mrsbrustobe (Abby, 35)
MuesFamily (Christina, 26)
mvesneske (26)
Nelliep32507 (Janell, 30)
nicole.romiglio (Nicole, 24)
nwilliams8 (Nicole)
pghwedding10/08 (Caitlin, 28)
robbie3982 (Robin, 25)
sarahryandrewlo (Sarah, 28)
Shanseur* (25) ? TWINS!
Srquarg (Stephanie, 26)
Tiffharper (27)
July 5 (18)
adams179 (Emily, 21)
aggiewed05 (Teri, 25)
BlondePrincess (Jennifer, 26)
empressjenn (Jenn, 31)
gusabbey (Erin, 25)
hairstylist720 (Jana, 25)
jcjen519 (Jennifer, 26)
kmv6107 (Kate, 31)
kristinka7 (Kristina, 23)
Idhreniel (Annie, 23)
Mrs.Greenie (Christy, 26)
roslyn20 (Roslyn, 34)
sarah.townsend (Sarah, 23)
susangilchrist (Susan, 27)
TRACI15 (Traci, 20)
upstatenymommy (Emily, 27)
whitem22 (Michelle, 27)
July 6 (22)
ahernandez (Amanda, 25)
amandaasue (Amanda, 29)
angela&ruben (Angela, 29)
beeker1 (Loumeli, 31)
gummybearsong (Callie, 28)
Iblamethebeer (Darcy, 27)
JenB225 (Jenni, 26)
jenn_a_bee (Jenn, 25)
June4bride2be (Sandi, 34)
ladybugbabyp (Tami, 26)
lhylcn (32)
Josh & Calendi (Calendi, 30)
Karla&Ken (Karla, 31)
MattysGirl81 (Holly, 27)
Mickeychew (Michelle, 26)
Mrs.Bazin (Danielle, 23)
Mrs. Nerychel (28)
shellbomb (Michelle, 30)
SummerAshley (Summer, 24)
TessaTru (Laurel, 26)
toothfairy806 (Traci, 28)
volleydiva (Christina, 28)
July 7 (8)
ashloree (Ashley, 24)
HDxNxJ (Heather, 26)
jeccap (Jessica, 27)
Madyson2006 (25)
Mrs_mam (Alison, 29)
nichle (Nicole, 30)
seabass22 (Jessica, 32)
skats2000 (Samantha, 26)
July 8 (22)
78kiki (Kay, 30)
amycoffey (Amy, 27)
cheshirekaatttt (Elena, 27)
curlycasey (Casey, 26)
gracieleigh2 (Rachel, 26)
happyfarn (Jill, 31)
julosh (Julie, 20)
kayla_lynn (Kayla, 22)
KrisFlower (Kristi, 28)
krista_rosey (Krista, 26)
Ksis (Kristan, 27)
littleangel079 (Natasha, 26)
meelar8 (Laura, 28)
nycteach (Patricia, 30)
orion09 (Camrn?, 22)
rlpschll (Renee, 29) ? TWINS!
SB524 (Anne, 26)
stephelias (Stephanie, 23)
teiaj (Teia, 27)
thefarmchick (Lisa, 26)
vilicious (Stephanie, 33)
zakiebaby (Karen, 24)
July 9 (26)
augustbride12 (Kate, 28)
BadaBing327 (Jaime, 26)
Brittany FreyBox (Brittany, 26)
ciara2927 (Ciara, 26)
cookiesheart (Articia, 26)
dandnat (Natalie, 27)
disneychick (Rosanna, 25)
Finally_Mrs.Garcia (Vivian, 27)
Hapuh3 (Brenda, 34)
hijoi (Joi, 34)
JGratton99 (Jackie, 25)
kellybaird (Kelly, 28)
krusin2gether (Rachel, 25)
LoveMyLily (Alli, 31)
mikeandjen (Jen, 30)
mj0612 (Megan, 23)
OfficallyanOlson (Jeannie, 26)
RubyRed1085 (Amanda, 23)
scherza (Gina, 29)
ShelJean (Shelley, 28)
Shortcake79 (Beth, 29)
soontobejesseng (Jessica, 25)
tevola (Tanisha, 23)
vponce07 (Vanessa, 27)
July 10 (20)
amama87 (Amanda)
audreyp (Audrey)
brownbetty2006 (Brandy, 22)
cblremi (Crystal, 25)
Choco80 (Alicia)
Cristydz (Cristy, 32)
Heather577 (Heather, 31)
lbittma80 (Lisa, 28)
jmstone (Jenna, 22)
Julybride_07 (Trista, 22)
leahbrazil (Leah, 25)
maiziejenga (Danielle, 33)
mama2royalty (Cheryl)
melhearts (Melinda)
MissTGH (Timberly, 35)
new mommy brittany (Brittany, 24) ? TWINS!
seriously888 (Jenn, 29)
sugar*and*spice (Deborah, 23)
teamhuber (Kimberly, 27)
vjrun21 (Viviana, 21)
July 11 (14)
*Bee* (Brittany, 24)
BrideofSky (Dana, 34)
caleta (Tonia, 27)
CandleGirl (ReNae, 30)
<P class=
Re: *~* July Sparklers' Tuesday Check-in *~*
Mama Jan's Kitchen... a food blog
I love my bump! I finally look like I'm not just fat!
I will not be having a shower this time since it's baby #2, but I think we are going to have a "Welcome home, baby girl!" bbq after she is born!
T: Who is throwing your shower(s) ? if you are having one? How many weeks will you be at your shower?
I think my MIL is planning on throwing one, and I'll be about 30-32 weeks when the shower occurs. Since we live so far from my ILs, we have a particular time we can travel there and that's after my finals are over.
I am having three showers all within one week. My mom , DH's step mother, and my grandmother are hosting. I will be around 31/32 weeks. I'm being induced at 39 weeks or possibly sooner so I asked to have them a couple weeks early.
M: Weekend was uneventful. We went to buffalo wild wings saturday to watch some basketball but that was the high light of our entire weekend. No updates - just moving a lot which I love. I absolutely love my belly. I think it helps that my husband & my friends & family are so supportive and love my belly too.
T: I will be having two - one with DH's side & one with my side. With DH's side, it will be a "welcome baby" party not too long after the baby is born thrown by a couple of DH's aunts. For my side, my mother in law, mom & sister in law but I don't know when it will be. We live so far away from everyone (they're in WI and we're in OH) so coordinating it has been kind of difficult but it will get figured out!
I will be 32 weeks, My Mother is throwing it for me. Im really excited
T: Who is throwing your shower(s) ? if you are having one???How many weeks will you be at your shower??My sisters and mom and aunts will be throwing my shower just like they did for my wedding. my mom said they were thinking sometime in May which is coming up soon. so i would be somewhere in my end 20's early ?30's i believe .?my current complaint still no cute bump i know i shouldnt complain but it bothers me
T: Who is throwing your shower(s) ? if you are having one? My mom and grandma are throwing a joint shower for me.
How many weeks will you be at your shower? I'll be 26 weeks. They wanted to have it early since we're having twins and likely to go early.
M: (1) How was your weekend? -- Weekend was great. We picked up the crib and dresser that we ordered. It came from J.C. Penny's and we absolutely love it!!!
(2) Any baby/pregnancy updates? -- My hubby finally got to feel our litlle man. We were sitting on the couch after dinner (Fish, cheese noodles, corn, and blueberries) and I started to feel him move around. My hubby put his hand on my belly and we sat there for a bit, about 5 minutes later I got kicked BIG TIME and he goes "Oh I think that was him, I felt him" He was so excited and happy it totally made my night
(3) Do you like your bump? -- I really don't have much of a bump, I'm def. looking forward to a larger one though!
T: Who is throwing your shower(s) ? if you are having one? How many weeks will you be at your shower? -- My mom and my Aunt are throwing one for me. They are thinking of doing a couples one so it can be a family/friend picnic type one. They are having it at the beginning of June so I'll be about 29/30 weeks at that point.
Missed yesterday's check-in:
M: I'm liking my bump, now that it's finally starting to look like I'm pregnant! (at 20 wks, I was just *barely* showing. It looked more like I'd just had one huge meal)
T: We're having 3 possibly 4 showers. One by my MIL/SIL for all the family/friends here where we live. One by my mom for all the friends back in my hometown. One by our church. The last one, I'm not sure about - my IL's church usually throws bridal or baby showers for the children of their members. They gave us a bridal shower, so we may get a baby shower. If we do, great. If not, no biggie!
No set dates for any of them yet - I'm not even registered yet! Hopefully we'll get that done in the next month or so.
MIL, mom and SILs will be throwing my shower. I didn't really want to have one but they want to do it so I figured what the hell.
The shower will be the 1st weekend in June so I'll be nearly 34 weeks along. I am praying for a cool summer this year.
Who is throwing your shower(s) ? if you are having one?
~My MIL and FI's Aunt are throwing the one for their family, My mom is throwing the one for my family, and the ladies of FI's unit's FRG are throwing a 3rd one for me.
How many weeks will you be at your shower?
~ I will be 29wks at my IL's, 35 at my families, and 37 at the Unit's.
T: Who is throwing your shower(s) ? if you are having one? How many weeks will you be at your shower?
I am having two showers: one in Nebraska since that's where a lot of my family lives. That one is being hosted by my cousin and best friend! We are having it next month, which is a little early, but that was what worked best for everyone. I will be 26 weeks.
I am having my other shower in Colorado probably in early June, but we don't have a date yet. My mom and two close friends will be hosting that one. I will be around 34 weeks.
M: 1) Wknd was good. Nothing to write about...just got some house cleaning done. 2) The only news is the lack of sleep I get. I can't sleep at night and I've reached a point where I just stop trying. 3) I LOVE my bump! It's fun now to watch it grow with little man and now that's he's moving all around, it's so fun to watch my belly move.
T: I'm having two. One at 35 weeks that my sisters are throwing and one at 36 weeks that my sisters in laws and DH's aunt are throwing.
My sister and cousin are throwing me a shower and I will be about 33 weeks.
My coworker are planning a shower and I am going to be 35 weeks.
Should be fun!
I always seem to catch these every other day!
M: 1. Good weekend, did some "nesting" 2. baby's growing and moving as usual 3. I like my bump so far...DH is obsessed, which makes me feel better about it
T: My MIL, SIL, Mom and Sister are all throwing a joint family shower on May 9th- day before Mother's day
and a friend just offered to throw one some time in June for all my girlfriends...and I think work is throwing a combo going away/co-ed shower (my husband works here too) in mid June.
M: (1) How was your weekend? (2) Any baby/pregnancy updates? (3) Do you like your bump? T: Who is throwing your shower(s) ? if you are having one? How many weeks will you be at your shower?
M: Weekend was GREAT! Went out with friends and didn't get tired at 8pm! Also picked out baby's room color and got ready to paint this week
I do love my bump, finally I don't feel like people look at me like a fat girl, but a pregnant girl!
T: My mom, dad, MIL & FIL are throwing our shower...I will be around 34 weeks. We are having it on My 26th Bday....very excited!!!
We are still talking about it but my best friend and my mother in law will be throwing a shower for me around 32-34 weeks
Hi - I had my big u/s yesterday - so can you add me to Team Pink?! Also, I had a birthday this month, so I'm now 27.
My MIL is planning on throwing me a shower - and I think I will be around 30 weeks or so when we have it.
T: Who is throwing your shower(s) ? if you are having one???How many weeks will you be at your shower?
My sister and my good friend are throwing mine, with a little help from my mom as well. ?I'll be 31 weeks.?
T: Who is throwing your shower(s) ? if you are having one? How many weeks will you be at your shower?
the one at home one of my best friends from high school that one i will be 33 weeks. My second is my best friend now and it hasn't been set in stone but it will for sure be after my first one.
My SIL and a good friend are throwing one for me. I'll be 32 weeks and will have to make a 6 hour drive to get there! Sometimes I wish we hadn't moved to another state!
♥ The Blog ♥
A group of girls at work are organizing a shower for me and two other pregnant teachers. ?I'll be around 30 weeks for that one. ?
I haven't discussed a shower yet with my mom but I'm sure it will be some combination of my mom, my aunt, my MIL, and my SIL hosting it. ?No idea on timing yet?
T: Who is throwing your shower(s) ? if you are having one?
My Mom and sister...
How many weeks will you be at your shower?
I will be 35 weeks...