mother effer...could Kate have spoken for Jon any.fricking.more during that last few mins of the last episode. I so just wanted to stuff dirty, 11th grade boy locker room socks in her big ass mouth.
It was just so awkward because it seemed like she just wanted to say yes, we'll be back and he is just not on board. At all. I can totally relate to why he wouldn't want to continue the show....I think he gave valid reasons. But, it makes me wonder what her true intentions are....sadly, probably the $ and opportunities.
I sensed he wanted to breakdown and cry... he looked so sad to me... and i guess angry and hurt, but unfortuantely that is what happens to everyone on TV etc... it's like when you say yes to that life nothing will ever be "yours" again..
The sad thing was she kept saying "I love what I'm doing at this moment. We'll be back." He looks so miserable, like I've never seen him before. She doesn't give a eff what he wants.
Re: J&K Plus Eight (spoiler)
lol I love angry breezee!

I hear you! this is the first time in a long time I have watched it. I cannot stand her.