I'm 17 weeks and go to the dr. on Friday. I suffered from an eating disorder for a long time so the weight gain and allowance to let myself eat what i want is such an adjustment.
I got on the scale this morning and I think i've gained maybe 6 lbs since my last appointment!! I'm scared!!!! Does this sound like an awful lot of weight?? I gained 2 lbs in my first tri.
Sorry if this is annoying or sounds silly but i am trying to keep it all in perspective.
I had an apple and pb for dinner but was still hungry so i had a bowl of cereal. Is this ok to do??? Even though it's 9pm??
Re: Weight question....
What does that mean?
Everyone gains weight differently and at different times when pregnant so it is hard to compare.
I did a big fat
to your last sentence. You need to eat a meal for dinner. You and your baby need the food. Eat healthy and eat often (lots of small meals) and you will be fine. You have to increase your calorie intake (I think the rule is 500 extra calories a day).
I'm sure this whole pregnancy is going to be super difficult for you because of the weight gain. I have not had an eating disorder and it's a bit difficult for me even!!
It sounds like you're doing good though. You should gain weight so don't be afraid to. I eat a lot! And a bowl of cereal is wonderful at night.
As long as your doctor is not worried you shouldn't be. Hang it there.
Were you underweight pre-pregnancy? If so, you'll need to gain even more. You should repeat the apple, pbj, and throw in a big glass of milk at 10.
ETA: Good luck- congrats on kicking that disorder- that's a healthier physical and psychological model for your growing child!
I gained 5 at my last appt. You are supposed to gain 1 lb per week starting in the 2nd tri, but if you were underweight to start out with you should gain more. So 6lbs is fine.
I struggled with an eating disorder for a long time. I know how hard it can be to get past the mentality of what all you're putting in your body. Don't worry about the numbers so much.
I completely agree with Jen&Joe06 taht you need to eat a full meal. I know mentally that it may be hard, but you have to do it and not feel guilty to keep you and the baby healthy.
Talk to your doctor at your next appointment about your eating past.
For an immediate answer - an apple and peanut butter is probably not enough for dinner. That's more of a snack.
I'm going to try and be sensitive to your feelings here.....but if all you had for dinner was an apple and peanut butter, we might have a serious problem here.
This is not a time to be worrying about how much you weigh. ESPECIALLY if you have a history of eating disorder, honestly if that is the case, you probably do not have a realistic view of what is a decent size portion or amount of weight to gain. You do NOT need to be getting on a scale.....throw it away and eat when you are hungry..let the doctor worry about if you have gained too much! You are sustaining a life inside of you....this is NOT the time to worry about your weight......unless you are thinking that you have not gained enough.....
Stop looking at the scale.
Obviously you know, you must nourish your baby. That means, eat when you are hungry. Sometimes that may be 2 am. You still have to eat. It is awfully hard work to make another human being!
It sounds like you are making very good food choices, but I do think that you need to be eating more.
I am 16 weeks and had dinner 3 hours again, and I'm going to have to eat again because I am hungry again. Many pregnant women have multiple snacks per day, the "don't eat past 8" rule does not apply in pregnancy. That baby is growing 24/7.
Now I'll give you my opinion. It is hard to watch the scale move up! It is so hard. When I was pregnant with my son, I gained 9 pounds in one month, 2 pounds the previus and 2 pounds the next, and my eating habits NEVER changed. Your body does what it needs to do to grow a baby.
After the baby is born, the weight really does come off. Especially if you are breastfeeding. If you are having a hard time, tell your nurse to please not tell you how much you have gained. If you don't want to do this, celebrate it!
And no, 6 pounds is fine! 8 pounds total is FINE! You are almost half way there, and you can gain 25-35 pounds. Girl go get yourself a bowl of icecream.
I know, I know. I wasn't all that hungry when I got home. I ate a lot for lunch and just had the apple..and then of course, dove into some Raisin Bran....
500 extra, really?
Regarding her last sentence....I think she means because it is so late in the day. You know, like the 'don't eat past 7pm rule'? I considered that myself but then decided that rule can't possibly apply when pregnant.
And the other poster thinks you are going to get flamed badly and wants to stick around for the show.
I know, I know. I wasn't all that hungry when I got home. I ate a lot for lunch and just had the apple..and then of course, dove into some Raisin Bran....
500 extra, really?
I know, I know. I wasn't all that hungry when I got home. I ate a lot for lunch and just had the apple..and then of course, dove into some Raisin Bran....
500 extra, really?
Ok, hold up. Apparently I can't read, I missed the sentence about the eating disorder.
I'm a jack@$$. Sorry!
I think in my hopped up emotional state I was excited about some snarky drama. ::: sticks foot in mouth :::
No. She said she ate an apple and pb for DINNER. That is what the
is about and why I said she needs to make sure she eats full meals.
500 extra calories (or 300 as pp also suggested) is not a lot more in 1 day. You are growing life inside of you, you need to feed it and yourself.
I just wanted to second what a pp said -- please talk to your OB about your eating disorder history. Your weight gain sounds fine, maybe even a little on the low side if you are of average (or underweight) now. But for your OB to properly gauge your weight gain and your nutritional needs during this pregnancy it's important that he or she know this and understand your feelings about food.
I also agree that an apple and pbj sounds more snack-ish than dinner like but I sometimes eat very strange things for dinner. Look at your food in the context of the entire day. As a person recovering from an eating disorder I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of a food journal. Consider keeping one for a few days with an eye towards sharing it with your OB -- that way they can help you make the right nutritional choices for you and your baby. Best of luck!
As someone coming from the opposite direction - I've always had a weight problem, due to PCOS, I understand the psychological roadblock of letting yourself eat way more than you normally would. ?It took me getting up for the 3rd time in the night, sometime around week 8, crying my eyes out because I had already gotten up for 2 rice cakes (1st time) and for a glass of soy milk and an apple (2nd time), and I was STILL hungry. ?My DH just came in, made me a whole can of soup, and made me eat it. ?From that point on I haven't given much thought to how much I'm eating, as long as I eat until I'm full/satisfied.
It is hard to be told that you need to eat like 2500 calories in a day, I know! Please talk to your doctor at your next appointment about your eating past. ?We want you and your baby to be healthy!
She wants to stick around for the "show." I came on here to get support not to be ostracized or be part of a spectacle because someone thinks it is ok to slam me for insecurities that I have suffered with for many, many years. If you think it is worth to stick around for the "show", you are honestly sick to think of this as entertainment. Where is the compassion?
pp is correct. It is 300 calories. There is a list of things that are around 300 calories in the article as well. Just keep eating healthy and you should be fine.
Great point. I should be proud! My body can make a baby! (i'm tearing up....thanks everyone for your support.....xo
She apologized and retracted above.
I, like you, have had eating issues in the past. I wouldn't say I had a full on "eating disorder" but I definitely used to worry a lot about how much and what I ate. So, I know exactly how trying it can be to see the scale going up so quickly and so much during pregnancy. With my DS, I gained 65 lbs.! I was so angry with myself for getting that big. But, I eventually got it all of...and then some.
Like a lot of people have already said, this is not the time to worry about weight or counting calories. I know it's difficult not to - TRUST ME, I KNOW - but, you have to eat enough for the baby. Apples and peanut butter are fine for snacks or as a combo with other foods. Just try not to guilt yourself. I told my doc last week that I was worried about having already gained 10 lbs. and he said, "So?" He wasn't at all worried.
You can exercise portion control to an extent, but just make sure you're eating foods that will stick with you for longer periods (like whole grains and fiber). That's where I made my biggest mistakes with the first child - eating white bread, white pasta, and drinking sugary drinks (caffeine free, but still loaded with sugar). Plus, I ate HUGE portions. It sounds like you're trying to eat healthy. Just hang in there...and eat, for crying out loud - it's your right!
YOU are doing a fantastic job by beginning to worry about your baby and what to do to have a healtier pregnancy and a healthy baby as an outcome. Remember though that your baby needs fat for him/her to be an active baby. Notice when you are hungry, your baby may not be that active but when you do eat a meal, baby will start to kick and summersaulte, so think of that positive note instead of the weight because the weight will fall off after the baby but you can never put your baby back the womb and start afresh. Goodluck
By the way: you look GREAT!