2nd Trimester

NBR: I might just have to strangle the dogs

My hubby is out of town all week and my mom is coming to help me but not until Wednesday and the dogs are being soooooo naughty!  I'm on modified bed rest so I'm supposed to be taking it easy but so far one pooped on the living room rug, one nearly dragged me off the deck and both are standing on the back of the couch baying (I have beagles) at leaves, sticks and anything else that happens to be outside and I might just snap. I want my hubby! I cry. Crying
mr & mrs || 11.18.06
DD born 07.06.09 || DS born 01.24.11 || Bean 3.0 due 11.16.12

Re: NBR: I might just have to strangle the dogs

  • I was just telling my H about this on the phone, he works out of town on the weekdays and I'm left to take care of everything including the two dogs, a rescue doberman and a lab mix....I swear they know it's a weekday and I am by myself. ?I'm not on bedrest and they're driving me nuts, they damn near knocked me over while walking AND the doberman gave me a charlie horse and scratched my foot, and I moved out of his way!!! ?I feel your pain MrsBarker!!
  • I'm so sorry!!  I love beagles (I've had several) but I couldn't survive without my doggie doors!!!
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  • I can sympathize! My 5 year old Beagle is a major pain in the butt. On Friday night I apparently wasn't devoting all of my attention towards him and he stole a poopy diaper and ate it.
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