I went shopping this weekend with my mom and we saw a pregnant woman with a fitted shirt and a very visible outie. My mom turned to me and said "Don't let me ever see you in a shirt so tight I can see your bellybutton." I just laughed, I had no idea how else to respond.
Yeah, I freaked out a little the other day when I realized mine was a lot more shallow. I am seeing parts of it that have never been seen before- and I don't like it! I hope it goes back to normal after this
Mine is definitely getting more shallow, but I'm really hoping that it just goes flat & doesn't pop out. The idea of having a third nipple on my stomach just freaks me out! And if it pops out, I will be wearing a band-aid or something over it! I can't explain why, but seriously it really freaks me out!?
Mine is almost flat now. It's gotten so flat that I discovered that I have a freckle in my bellybutton that I could never see before! I have a feeling that I'll have a major outie before this baby comes!
ha ha ha This is exactly what's happening to me right now - the half way there look. In fact, my husband pointed out that I have a mole in my usually deep innie that neither of us knew was there - funny the things pregnancy allows you to discover about your body! Good luck with yours! :-)
Mine is slowly disapearing too.... and the top right corner has actually poked out a bit. I had a super deep innie. I've heard they go back to normal, but it is SUPER strange watching it disapear...
for me its obviously too early for this to happen (go outtie), BUT my belly button has started hurting sometimes... any ideas why? Anyone else had this? My uterus hasn't moved up yet bc I just went to the dr last week and it was still pretty far down... so I don't think that's why... I'm puzzled.
Re: bellybutton discovery
Mine is almost flat now. It's gotten so flat that I discovered that I have a freckle in my bellybutton that I could never see before! I have a feeling that I'll have a major outie before this baby comes!