If you have dreamt of your baby... what is the gender?
Is it always what you are having (if you know)? What did you dream of before you found out?
I am not finding out and have only dreamt about having a boy, although DH and I think I am having a girl. Lately my insticnt has gone back and forth though.
Re: Poll: Baby Dreams
LOL ~ I have had dreams that I have a walking and talking toddler right away... or a talking newborn. I have dreams of typical newborns once in a while.
We haven't found out the sex yet ... 24 days and counting! We had an u/s at 16 wks and the tech thought girl but said it was too early to be sure.
My first dream was that we had twins and the nurses never told us the sex so we were un-swaddling them to figure it out (but never did). The second dream was recently and in that one we had 3 sets of twin boys! The goofy thing is that we are for sure not having twins, but that's all I dream about!
The other time I dreamt I had the baby but I couldn't remember the labor and my cousins were watching the baby I fon't remember if it was a boy or girl
LOL I'm white and DH is half black half white and I dreamed I had an Asian baby...but I knew something was wrong so I tried to trade it at a flea market.
The only baby dream I've had, so far, was before I even knew I was pregnant (I must have been about 3-4 weeks along). In the dream, I was full-term and wound up delivering in a toilet with no one around! Then, 10 minutes later, I walked outside and my little girl was spinning around in the grass with a white dress on...she was probably 5 years old at that point. Very weird! lol
I don't have much intuition with gender (never did with my DS), so I have no clue what it is. Hoping for a girl, but will be completely excited either way!
I usually dream its a boy, but I have had a few that it was a girl. We aren't finding out- but I lean toward boy, personally.
In my last dream, I gave birth to an 18 month old boy with blond hair. DH and I both have dark hair.
I have dreamt of both and I have no clue what i am having, I go back & forth thinking it is a boy or girl. Right now, I'm thinking it's a girl even though i secretly want a boy..