2nd Trimester

Poll: Baby Dreams

If you have dreamt of your baby... what is the gender?

Is it always what you are having (if you know)? What did you dream of before you found out? 

I am not finding out and have only dreamt about having a boy, although DH and I think I am having a girl. Lately my insticnt has gone back and forth though.

Re: Poll: Baby Dreams

  • I wasn't right lol I drempt a girl and its a boy lol
  • I don't know what I"m having yet, but I only dream that its a little boy..and he looks just like my DH...I hope so!
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  • You'll love this I am hispanic and DH is caucasian, I dreamt I was having an african american baby.
  • I have had dreams of both!  I don't have any feeling one way or the other yet. 
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  • I have had 2 baby dreams where I knew the gender - once it was a boy, once it was a girl!  I guess I will find out in a month which one it is..

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • At first, DH and I both had strong feelings it was a girl and then I had a very vivid dream it was a boy and changed my mind - the dream turned out to be correct.
  • imageAliciaSpring:
    You'll love this I am hispanic and DH is caucasian, I dreamt I was having an african american baby.

     LOL ~ I have had dreams that I have a walking and talking toddler right away... or a talking newborn. I have dreams of typical newborns once in a while.

  • I've had 1 baby dream. ?It took place 4 nights before my big u/s. ?All along I have thought I am having a boy. ?In my dream, I went to the u/s and was told I was having a girl. ?In reality, when I had the u/s, the baby was moving around too much, so we weren't able to determine the gender. ?We'll be trying again next Thursday. ?We'll see if my dream was right!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I had many dreams early on and they were all a little dark-haired boy.  I actually knew from my BFP that it was a boy and I told everyone it was a boy from the beginning just based on that strong instinct LOL.  We even bought blue paint for the nursery and my friends gave me all their boy clothes.  We confirmed it at 18 week u/s.  Now I'm curious to see if the face is at all like the baby in my dreams...
  • I used to dream Boy, but I was wrong...
  • We haven't found out the sex yet ... 24 days and counting!  We had an u/s at 16 wks and the tech thought girl but said it was too early to be sure.

    My first dream was that we had twins and the nurses never told us the sex so we were un-swaddling them to figure it out (but never did). The second dream was recently and in that one we had 3 sets of twin boys!  The goofy thing is that we are for sure not having twins, but that's all I dream about!

  • I've only had one baby dream so far and it was a girl. I have my big u/s on May 1st so let's see if I was right.
  • imageCharLou:

    You'll love this I am hispanic and DH is caucasian, I dreamt I was having an african american baby.

     LOL ~ I have had dreams that I have a walking and talking toddler right away... or a talking newborn. I have dreams of typical newborns once in a while.

    The other time I dreamt I had the baby but I couldn't remember the labor and my cousins were watching the baby I fon't remember if it was a boy or girl

  • imageAliciaSpring:
    You'll love this I am hispanic and DH is caucasian, I dreamt I was having an african american baby.

    LOL I'm white and DH is half black half white and I dreamed I had an Asian baby...but I knew something was wrong so I tried to trade it at a flea market.


  • I had around 3 girl dreams before big u/s and I was right!!!
  • I've had 4-5 dreams that it's a girl... so I can't wait until we get to find out! 37 more days! =)
  • I had dreams 4 nights in a row right before our big U/S.  I didn't dream about seeing the actual baby but about seeing the baby on the ultrasound, and every time it was a boy.  I was wrong...we're having a girl! 
  • I dreamed it was a boy, but had convinced myself it was a girl. The dream won!
  • The only baby dream I've had, so far, was before I even knew I was pregnant (I must have been about 3-4 weeks along). In the dream, I was full-term and wound up delivering in a toilet with no one around! Then, 10 minutes later, I walked outside and my little girl was spinning around in the grass with a white dress on...she was probably 5 years old at that point. Very weird! lol

    I don't have much intuition with gender (never did with my DS), so I have no clue what it is. Hoping for a girl, but will be completely excited either way!

    NestBaby Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Fotografo Mamma
  • I had a dream---a really wierd dream---that it was a girl. I guess I'll find out if my intuition is right
  • I usually dream its a boy, but I have had a few that it was a girl.  We aren't finding out- but I lean toward boy, personally. 

    In my last dream, I gave birth to an 18 month old boy with blond hair.  DH and I both have dark hair.

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  • I have dreamt of both and I have no clue what i am having, I go back & forth thinking it is a boy or girl.  Right now, I'm thinking it's a girl even though i secretly want a boy..


  • I had 3 dreams it was a boy..and he is a boy!
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