Robbie and I are supposed to work in our church nursery 1x/month. For the last several months he's gone without me so we could keep Campbell home. Well, I checked the CDC website and our state's RSV rates are really low right now so I decided we could take her with us. She really enjoyed it, but Robbie and I were a little disheartened to see C with other babies her age (both real and adjusted). She was obviously very behind in her motor skills. She still just sits there. She is still barely army crawling, no standing alone, no cruising, can't get from laying down to sitting up...
I had gotten myself so excited last month when she finally seemed to be progressing with her motor skills. Well, that progress seems to have stalled and she's not really progressing significantly. She will get up on her hands and knees and rock for a second but doesn't have the strength to stay up.
It was just hard watching the other babies walking, crawling, or scooting while C was just content to sit and watch them. ::Pout and sigh::
Re: Took Campbell to church nursery...depressing
I'm sorry and I totally get it. I just posted about this on my blog the other day.. And I hate being jealous.. But damn, it's hard to look around and think "oh. THAT'S what's SUPPOSED to be happening?"
My Blog
UGH, I totally know how you feel. See my post from earlier today:
I feel that way also, only with a constant reminder w/ Justin being able to do all the things a 16 month old should do.
Poor preemies have to fight for everything.
OMG! I've thought that same thing so many times lately and I HATE it!! First I think to myself "wow, that baby is really advanced", then I realize that that baby is just *normal* And E's 12 month appt made me want to puke, the survey that we had to fill out, most of that stuff it didn't even occur to me that E was supposed to be working on
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I know exactly how you feel. Marino had totally caught up developmentally at 6 months and now...nothing! He has not progressed at all in 3 months and his speech is still at 5 months. People ask me EVERY DAY "is he crawling" and then looked worried when I say no. Someone actually said to me the other day "oh, that must really hurt" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I see at an exercise of the strength of my will to change my thinking. I have to stop comparing him to other babies or expecting so much from him. I know I am doing everything I can to help him and he'll do it when he's ready. But trust me, I'll bet 99% of us on this board can relate and it sucks!!!!!!!!!
I posted about this last week.It is SO hard It just isn't fair that they fought so hard to just live. If there was any justice in the world the rest of childhood would come easily to them.
I just thought this today actually...when we are alone with Lily and shut-out from the rest of the world, her development does not bother me, she is doing well for our little family of three.
But today I got an email from my cousin who has a 2 month old who is already rolling (Lily just started doing this consistently last month) and who is already 11 1/2 pounds. I feel like I have to fight to reach each milestone and fight to put weight on my little lady - poor Lily. She also said her baby has reflux and they were going to "try" not to "have to" medicate her - I didn't know what the heck that was supposed to mean? Lily's on 2 medications - thank Gawd!
It's hard not to compare, but our little ones have already had to fight so hard and although they might be a little behind, I am sure Campbell is the toughest little girl you know, she will get there and her journey will mean more to you and your DH, than to most parents.
Thanks, guys. I know all babies develop at different rates, it was just crazy watching the other kids crawl around like it was nothing. She works so hard at it and they made it seem so easy.
I do feel a little better today, though.. Robbie and I were talking and we both realized seperately that we each thought Campbell was much more verbal than several of the other kids. She was definitely louder than any one else there and was very social (kept saying "hi" to the other kids as they crawled past cute!). So maybe it's true that kids focus on one area and she's focusing on developing her language?
Anyway, thanks again for all of your support!