
Are you "Mad at Dad"?

The stupid title comes from a Parenting magazine article (link below).

Some of this I can relate to, but when you group it all together, it sounds like a lot of whining.

Andrea, a mom of three who lives on Long Island, NY, comes home from work to find her husband has let the kids snack at 5 P.M. instead of giving them a real dinner, though she's repeatedly asked him to just go ahead and feed them. Or he has tried to feed them but has served something they won't eat, like a "bloody wedge of meat on a plate" with no side dishes. Then, after the kids have brushed their teeth for bedtime, they complain of hunger ("Of course they're hungry!"), so he gives them more snacks. "And then who has to oversee the rebrushing of teeth while my husband is off watching TV? I do."

How freaking hard is it to get your kids to brush their teeth again? Even DS -- who HATES, HATES, HATES when I brush his teeth -- it takes a few minutes, tops.




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