
obsession with "mean" and "time out"

Noah has come home from school the past 2 days telling us some of his friends at school are "mean/not nice", "hurt him", "make him sad/cry", and "have time up" (aka time out).  We asked his teacher at school about this and she had no clue what we were talking about.  Yesterday he told us a whole story about a little girl who is a good friend of his and wasn't even at school yesterday.  He is obviously making this stuff up.  When we drop him off at school he runs up to the very kids he is telling us aren't nice and plays with them.  It's strange.

He just started getting time outs, but really only for hitting us.  We don't use the word mean with him, but we have told him that is not nice.  

Does this sound normal?  I hate that he is making up stories about his good friends at school.

Re: obsession with "mean" and "time out"

  • N doesn't go to school and he is currently obsessed with "mean" and "time out" as well.  If DH or I do something he doesn't like (even if it's give him a food he doesn't want) he starts yelling "go to time out now mama/dada!".  We do tell him to go to time out when he has done something bad (hit, bite, be mean to G, etc), but he we never yell.  He also tells us all the time that we are mean and we never use that word unless talking to him about saying it.  I think it's just his age and I'm hoping this phase passes soon.
  • How old is he?  Brooke (2.5yo) is doing the same thing.  Poor little Dominick is the one to blame for everything.  He bites, pinches, hits, pulls hair, broke her ankle, stole her bandaid, hits her in the head, scares her, wakes her up from her nap, hides the dolls in the dollhouse from her, took her ear off and hid it name it.  This happens on the weekends too when Dominick isn't even around.
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  • He is 2 y 3 mo.  I guess it seems normal for an imaginative child?
  • My 3.5 year old makes up crazy stories about school also.  He was having some real issues with school actually, and it was impossible to find out exactly what was going on because he was telling me nonsense. 

    He even told me the teacher didn't show up for school one day and he had to teach the class.  The other day I was volunteering in class and I heard him tell everyone that he just got a hamster.  I have no idea where he comes up with this stuff but I am afraid I am raising a lying liar. 

    I am glad my DC isn't the only one who makes up crazy stuff.


  • My dd went through a phase just like this.  She would tell us pretty detailed stories about so and so hitting her, taking something from her, being mean, etc.  It turns out she was telling us true stories, but they were a little outdated.  Like Ty hit her and he had to go to time out...yeah, that did happen, but it happened a week ago.  Our d/c is really good about telling us what went down throughout the day, so a lot of times I had already known about the incident, just not who did it, so it was confusing at first.
  • Madelyn makes stuff up all the time, and has been for a while.  Mostly harmless.

    Hopefully she never gets like my nephew.  He used to go to daycare and tell them his mother pushed him down the stairs...things of that nature.  Obviously he had no marks on his body, so they knew it wasn't true.

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