If you're going to put all that effort into crafting your story and putting all those pictures together, why do you run away and hide when you get busted? If you have the balls to do that shitz, why not come back and defend yourself? Or at least give us more fodder.
Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Re: My thing with Lying Liars
Like Purrf said -- it's too bad we couldn't wait to see how far she took it. Next time I suspect someone, I'm going to PM the whole lot of you so we can screw with her as long as possible! We need a "Lying Liar Alert System" -- a calling tree of sorts -- to keep all the legit girls in the know of a potential creeper!
ditto that. The ones who are just doing it all for attention will just slink away and not come back (or come back again under a different name and different story). It's the super BSC ones who try to make up more lies to defend the lies. I don't see her as that, I just see her as bored, lonely, lacking in self-esteem and needing the attention.
yeah, what gets me a little sad about the whole situation is there are a handful of people who were posting possible excuses for her....I don't remember who (and don't really care that much) but I remember reading someone say "maybe she just used someone's else's u/s picture for effect." or whatever.....
nooo--don't make excuses for her...if she has an "excuse" she'd come here and defend herself...obviously she did not.
I understand that some people are just Perpetual Polly-Anna's....and will always try to see good in everyone....I just think its weird to try to come up with reason's why the LL was so BSC.
Ditto this and that picture was super easy to find on Photobucket - put a little more work into it next time!
I like mamarazzi's idea and maybe we can use the facebook page as that "discussion outside of the nest" point. Bubbly can assure that teh person isn't on the facebook group and we can go discuss the lies there...
Just a thought!
Although I hope it doesn' thappen again!
photos by jennied photography
Alissa Jean