
I found a debate hotter than breastfeeding vs formula

and it seems to be amnio vs no amnio.  Since I am pregnant again I have been on the pregnancy boards and there are some very pro amnio that like to tell people they are stupid for not preparing and vice versa.

Never thought I find anything that came close to the breast is best/formula debate! LOL...........

Re: I found a debate hotter than breastfeeding vs formula

  • I had two of them. I guess you know which side of that debate I would land on. LOL
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • I had one too, but I don't see the point in berating someone else for choosing not to be stabbed in the gut with a 5 inch needle. Kind of why I ignore the pg boards lately...
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