

So DD has issues with her legs.  Some of you remember...some of you don't.  Her balance isn't very good and neither is her muscle tone in her calves.

She LOVES to dance and the dance studio in town has classes for 18mo - 3yrs or 3yrs - 5yrs.  I talked to her daddy about it and he thinks she'll have fun.

 Question is...should I explain her "impairment" to the dance teacher if we decide to sign her up?  If so, should *I* determine what class she goes in to or should I let the teacher do that?  Based on her low muscle tone, I was thinking of 18mos-3yrs then letting her move up but I'm not sure.

Re: Ballet!

  • I would talk to the teacher beforehand, and decide together which class. I'd use the "you are the expert" angle. She may have some interesting ideas for helping build up the muscles in her legs and improve her balance.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • I'm really hoping the classes will help with her legs.  I just read the info on their website.


    Ages 18 months to 3 years.

    This is a great introduction to the world of dance!  This 45 minute class is designed for parent and child and focuses on introducing dance basics as well as stretching techniques.  This class helps get children off to a good start, promoting a healthy lifestyle and the importance of daily exercise.

    Children are introduced to movement, music and rhythm, as well as, body awareness and physical discipline. This class is designed to develop skills appropriate for the particular developmental age groups. Emphasis is placed on fun and the development of positive self-esteem as the child enters one of his or her earliest classroom situation.


    **********So this may be where we need to start.  But I'll def. talk to the teacher.


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  • Definitely talk to the teacher and let her help you decide. 

    My dd has had physical therapy and has slightly low muscle tone and ballet has done SO much good for her.  I can't tell you how her balance has improved.   

  • #6#6 member

    I work with a lady who used to teach dance for years.  She told me about several toddlers with low muscle tone/balance issues and said that dance does wonders for it.  :)  I would start with the younger class since its her first time.  Then mover her up.  Its better her be ahead then behind.  If she is ahead in the younger class she can always move up with no problems.  If she is in the older class and falling behind she may feel discouraged if you mover her down to the younger class.  

    I took dance from 3-6th grade and loved it.   I was moved up twice.  The second time I was moved I had to work really hard to keep up but it was worth it.  Its a balance of age and experience when deciding on which class to go in.  (as to what I was told by the lady I work with)  

    We are thinking about putting the girls in it this fall but they arent potty trained.  I know the dance teacher (took dance with her many years) and am going to ask if they take them not PT'd.  If not we will wait a year and they will go in the 3 yr old class even though they will almost be 4.  They will just be the older ones which is fine since they are so small they will blend in.  


  • #6#6 member
    That was 3yrs-6th grade.  
  • It would probably be best to start at the very beginner class and let the teacher determine where she should be.
  • Layla is in a similar class to the 18mo-3yr that you described. ?It is so fun & she loves it. ?It is not completely structured & they have time to sit, rest, etc. ?

    I may tell the instructor, but I probably would wait and see how the first few classes went! ?Good Luck, you're going to have tons of fun! ?

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