
Do you think from 0-3 months babies can eat for "comfort"?

Because I'm starting to wonder if this is why Max got so big so fast.  Maybe his tummy hurt, so he thought he was constantly hungry, and therefore we did too and fed him.  He didn't spit up much until recently so he gained fast.

I am not sure though - the docs always told me you can't overfeed a newborn (when I'd voice my concerns with both kids).  WDYT?

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Re: Do you think from 0-3 months babies can eat for "comfort"?

  • no I think they eat when they are hungry.  I don't think you can over feed them
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  • I mean, in the sense that they are uncomfortable when they are hungry, of course they eat for comfort.  But if you mean to satisfy some psychological need, then no.
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  • I don't know about eating for comfort but I was apparently overfeeding my younger dd.  I also thought they couldn't be overfed but she kept spitting up (a lot) and it was finally determined I was overfeeding her.  (she was ff)  This happened right after she was born.  Her ped said that most babies eat until they are full but some don't really have that switch and will keep eating.  Mine was one of those. 
  • Yes they eat for comfort all the time. No you can't overfeed them. Both are true. Comfort = overfeeding is only true for us adults :-)


  • oh and it is rare but possible to overfeed a ff baby as mentioned above. Because it is so easy to get it out of a bottle and formula has many more calories than BM, they are tricked if you like into eating more. Which largely accounts for the spike in FF weights and heights so early, it evens out once they're past the BF/FF stage.
  • I think I was just reading something about putting cereal in bottles, and how its a bad thing. ?What I was reading said that babies know when to stop eating when its regular formula or breastmilk, but if cereal is added, then that can mess with their minds, and that can lead to over feeding. ?

    Basically, this seems to have little to do w/ your post, but I think what I got out of it is that babies just know when they are hungry, and its not just comfort. ??

  • According to DS's GI babies with reflux may show signs of wanting to eat more because the acid coming up in their throat causes them pain and the formula helps to relieve the discomfort. Its considered comfort feeding since they are eating to relieve the discomfort and not out of necessity.  It makes sense....when an adult has a sore throat you want to drink something to help wet your throat and dull the pain.
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