My friend told me this yesterday and in all the drama I forgot.
When my friend had her last annual GYN appt she had to take her DD who was about 1.5 at the time with her to the appt. Her DD was being super clingy and wouldn't let my friend put her down so the dr said the DD could sit on her while she had her exam. So she is laying there with her feet in the stirrups with her DD sitting on her stomach, when the dr got out the speculum her DD started pointing at the dr and screaming NO! NO! My friend was laughing so hard that the dr had to tell her to calm down or he couldn't do the exam. Then when the dr was doing the breast exam, with the DD still sitting on her, the DD is watching the dr, so while the dr has one boob in his hands doing the breast exam, her DD grabs her other boob and starts trying to imitate the dr.
I was laughing so hard yesterday when she told me. I thought the board could use a laugh.
Re: funny story to lighten the mood
OH God, good reminder to leave DD home next week when I have my annual.
This happened to us yesterday...but we were at the dentist! A had to sit on me throughout the entire cleaning, but no stirrups or boobs involved!
Yeah...I had mine on Monday, and DS was sitting on the chair across the room saying "mommy, if you good, you might get some stickers, or pizza. Or M&Ms..."