
Any one seem more nervous with 2nd pregnancy?

The first time I was pregnant, I did not know many people who had previously been pregnant and had miscarriages, etc.. this time I seemed so panic about everything. My neighbors daughter just lost her baby at 18 weeks and that just broke my heart..I was at my OB appt today thought and heard my little one's HB.. and some crazy noises.  The OB told me that was the baby moving in there!  I guess this one will be active too!

Re: Any one seem more nervous with 2nd pregnancy?

  • I am nervous about different things.  The 1st trimester was easier for me (worry wise) but the 2nd and 3rd have been worse.  Feeling movement does help though.
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  • I was because I had a m/c three weeks before I got ktfu with this pregnancy. I am feeling a lot better now that I am out of the 1st trimester though.
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  • The first time I was pg I was pretty clueless so I didn't know half the stuff I could worry about.  The second time around I was on the Nest and worried about WAY more stuff.
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