
help - is this a normal phase?

DD had been doing AWESOME lately. in terms of sleeping, being sweet, generally few tantrums, etc. the past several days she has being having total meltdowns. the most obvious is bedtime... she was going to sleep awesome by herself, but now about 15 mins after i leave, she starts crying in bed and just getting super unhappy. most times she'll fade in and out, quieting down but then getting worked up again. it takes her about an hour to actually settle down and get to sleep. i tried a couple times going in there since this is so unlike her, but it became obvious she didn't need/want anything and once i got her happy again she just wanted to be awake and play.i explained that because she couldn't go to sleep with mommy there, mommy had to leave. she eventually got to sleep herself. she's also been waking up about a half hour early lately so is running on 1-2 hrs less sleep than usual. she's going down hard for her naps also. possibly because of all of this tiredness (but maybe due to something else and the same thing causing her difficulty sleeping?) she is being so short-termpered. total meltdowns, triggered by nothing, at least 5 times this morning.


has your almost 2 year old gone through this? is this a passing phase or the beginning of the terrible two's? any ideas on how to deal with it?

Re: help - is this a normal phase?

  • I'm not a lot of help since DS isn't that age yet but could she possibly be teething? ?I think there are 2 year molars right? ?Maybe try a nightlight? ?

    Sorry that's all I can think of. ?I hope it gets better soon! ?


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    Aiden 10.17.07 Emma 07.15.10
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