
talk about trust

Okay, so dh's bday was yesterday and I got him the 8 seasons of "the practice" on dvd.

I checked Amazon and they didn't have it but under Amazon's Sponsored Links page was a link to another site that did. $50 for 8 seasons, not bad and I couldn't find anywhere else, so I ordered. www.TVSHOWSTODVD.COM

it took awhile for them to arrive, so i emailed the "company" and got a quick response stating that they would be here by the end of the week. it was the beginning of the next week (yesterday) but they came.

i rec'd 20 dvd's in the little white dvd envelope. each one had a number handwritten on the envelope so i knew which order. the face of the dvd was blank. my stomach sank. i knew that someone took my $50 and sent me 20 blank dvd's.

but they weren't blank....they had the episodes copied from the FX channel on them (the FX symbol is right there in the bottom corner)! and you get about the first 5 seconds of the commercial before it's edited back to the show. we watched 2 episodes last night and the quality is just ok. not what i was expecting at all. dh told me it was the "bootleg'd" present he had ever rec'd.

i reported it to Amazon just to let them know.  of course, the sponsored links isn't something they have control over.  now I'm wondering what i do next with the actual vendor.

Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}

Re: talk about trust

  • ugh, that's awful. Tha'ts why I get so paranoid ordering on-line even if it's a site I know is legit!
    Melanie ~Ava Grace 7.20.06 & Lila Jane 7.22.09~ m/c #3 6/18/08 image
  • The site may be legit but the things you order may not be.  I've heard this story of Amazon many times.
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  • ugh, that sucks.  DH ordered MASH for his mom for Christmas.  I was so nervous since it came from somewhere overseas (he didn't notice until after he bought it) but it was fine. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • OMG... that SUCKS! I'm sorry hun.
  • Just as an FYI, the hosting site (i.e. Amazon in this case) DOES have the ability to block advertisers from the sponsored links.
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