
If your DC would pee but not poop in the potty.....

If your DC would pee but not poop in the potty, how did you handle it and what did you do to eventually help them be okay with pooping on the potty?  DS has the peeing down, and I know its common for them to be nervous, scared, etc.. about the pooping, but I'm just not sure what to do.  DS generally only poops once a day, and its pretty obvious when he needs to go.  But, he really doesn't want to do it on the potty yet. Actually, I think he does WANT to, but must be scared or something.  We bought these big chocolate cookies and told him he can have a whole  cookie all for himself when he poops in the potty.  He talks about it a lot, but so far no go.  I've been considering giving him a diaper to go poop in, but that just feels like going backwards as he's been all underwear except for nighttime for almost 2 weeks now.  Advice, suggestions??

Re: If your DC would pee but not poop in the potty.....

  • We let DS poop in a diaper for a few months after he starting peeing in the potty, it was just too stressful to poop in the potty in the beginning.  After a few months I put my foot down and said you are not getting a diaper to poop in, you are going in the potty.  We never looked back, that and he still ask (when he poops at home) for a piece of candy, lol!
    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
  • we bribed her and then made a huge deal of it when she finally got it. If we noticed that she was starting to poop in a pullup or undies I would put her on the potty and stay with her and tell her, it's ok....then she'd look in the potty and say "Bye bye yucky poopies" and we'd clap and cheer.  It took a few weeks after peeing to get to that point though.
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