I posted this last night and it was fun. ?:-) ? Can be specific or something general about your experience w/ the board. ?
I'll do mine: ?I met Hooray and her son Alex last week and we've gotten together twice in the past week---it's like we've known each other for years (and the boys get along so well!).
It's so nice to be part of an online community where friendships like that can be made. ??
Re: RP for daytime: Post Random NICE thoughts about fellow Nesties
I met Butterbeans and Yojoda a few weeks ago at Disney on Ice. We all had lots of fun. Next time, we will try to do something where we can actually talk and let the kids run around! But it was nice to meet some really great people!
And Preston and Sam were just the cutest kiddos!
I didn't have much time to post last night, so I will re-state and add.
I love Pin and joseys for their talent.
I think joseys and I would be friends IRL.
shopgirl78 - pics of her kids make me feel warm and fuzzy for some reason. They just have such a cute bond.
summerbrideDC - I really hope for a BFP for you....I remember hoping we got one at the same time when I got pg with DS and I am really pulling for you.
I know there must be more.....
brezeebean - I always love her sig pics, she is very talented!
I have a random somewhat negative thing to say about myself with regards to other nesties...
I'm not my own biggest fan in many ways and if you (you, generally speaking) want to be my friend or are nice to me, I always think that there is probably something wrong with you.
Liam is 5!
In general to many of the nesties here - you inspire me to be a better mother and a better person. You also inspire my creativity and introduce me to things I might never have known before.
On a more individual level, I am grateful for the very close friendships I have made here in the last few months. You know who you are
and I thank you for getting me through when I really need it. 
I read the post and it was really good. I know I'll never meet any of you which is a pity because a lot of the girls on this particular board are fab! It's by far the board with the best Nesties!
I don't have many friends in the same situation as me so it's nice to talk to people online about similar things. And its great that we can talk anytime...though I usually spend between 9am-12pm walking around these empty corridors until you Americans wake up (or are woken!!!)
Oh and its great to get some inspiration for decor and creative things (cards etc) from a different culture!
L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)! (Irish names)
Too busy to update the pics for now ...
Aw, thanks! I agree completely!!! It's been so fun to have formed an IRL from a friendship that began long ago on the nest.
Honestly, I don't know what I would do without all of you - this community is amazing! A huge THANK YOU to everyone - the helpful advice, the support, the laughs, etc. has been a huge part of my mommy experience - don't know what I'd do without all of you!
I just saw the post from last night and wanted to thank mamarazzi for the sweet things she said about me...coming from someone as intelligent, adorable, and talented as you are, it means a lot!
I couldn't even begin to name all the Nesties on here that I have warm fuzzies about. The fact that people even bother to read my posts always astounds me, and so many of you take the time to offer advice or product rec's or whatever that have really made my life easier in a million ways over the past couple of years! I couldn't be more grateful to have such a diverse and kind group of moms to run things by and share things with.
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
Kitty, this makes me sad. I think you're so funny. I always open your posts. And don't forget, I dreamed I was naked in your house. I can't say that about any other nestie!
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Sometimes I just get in depressing moods like this. I'm just mad I'm still fat and can't find the time to work out during the day anymore. work is too busy and is about to get much busier.
I love that we really are a community who help each other out and lend support when people need it. Operation Nestie Claus was pretty much the greatest thing EVER!
I love that people that I only know online were so happy for my BFP. I had over 50 replies which just makes me all teary when I think about it.
There are SO, SO many people I could name personally, but I would forget someone and feel bad.