can you smell gas. I know you're supposed to smell it a little...but what's too much? I just walked upstairs and caught a wiff but when I walk up to the stove I'm not smelling it. If I open the oven door I can smell it. (we have a gas stove and oven.) I had it checked by the gas company last August and they found and teeny tiny leak in one of the connections and just tightened it but nothing else. Am thinking of calling them again before I have to pick up DS from school. Is this normal?
Re: if you have a gas stove...
I'd call. That doesn't sound sounds scary!
The only time I even remotely smell it is when we are using it. And even then it is only for a short time while it is "revving up."
Stove - only smell it just after I've lit it
Oven - at the beginning of preheating
Are any of the pilots out? We had a gust of wind blow ours out once (through the back door) and we noticed b/c we smelled gas.
Otherwise, I'd call. I only smell it when the others have said they do - when it's just being lit.