
RP: Meeting w/the pedi today

Are there any specific questions you were glad you asked?  I was of course going to ask about hours and on call coverage and confirm they will visit the babies in the hospital...but that was all I really had.  Do you ladies have any others? 

Re: RP: Meeting w/the pedi today

  • We asked if they would see both DDs at the same time during well-baby visits.  That way you don't have to worry about making extra trips or be seperated into 2 rooms.  How many twins/multiples do they treat?  Do they offer an alternate shot schedule, if that is something you want to do.  That's all I can think of right now.  I will respond again if I think of any more.
  • Thank you!  Those are good ones!
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  • The only other question I would add is if they have separate waiting rooms for well children vs. sick children (although you may be able to tell this when you visit if you are going to the office you will be treated at today).  Our office does, but it is separated by a "half wall", which I guess is OK (I talked to the pedi's office when I was on bedrest, so I couldn't go there in person).  Honestly it isn't a huge deal to me, but something I never would have thought to ask when I was looking at pedis.

    Have fun!

    • Sick waiting room vs. well waiting room. If there is only one, how do they handle things when you're bringing in babies for a well visit (ours brings you straight into an exam room so you aren't in the waiting room)
    • Hours - do they have Saturday hours? If so, is that for sick, well, or both
    • What hospitals do they have privileges at?
    • If you wait a long time today, try to find out if that is typical (one ped we waited 50 mins, the other saw us right on time)
    • Do you talk to nurses or doctors if you call at night? The practices in my area all seem to use the Children's Hospital's nurse line for overnight calls and the ped is only contacted if it is something more serious
    • What is their schedule for well visits? Ours sees BF babies for a weight check early on
    • Are they on your insurance plan? You've probably already checked this
    • Where did they do their training?
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