
Toddlers taking Singulair...

Does anyone's DC take Singulair or do you know of someone's child that takes it?

 My question is:  did it cause sleep disruption for the child?

 Thanks, Jen.

Alexandra 9-12-06

Re: Toddlers taking Singulair...

  • my 7mon old take it every night before bed... dr told us to give it at bedtime... doesnt cause her to stay awake
  • Good to hear Zacook.  My daughter was on Flovent which gave her a horrible rash on her face.... then Zyrtec, which caused her to wake every hour on the hour.  Now she's on Singulair and I read online similar concerns to that of Zyrtec.  Yes, she is also to take it at bedtime.  Well, thank I'm a little more hopeful.
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  • My DS takes a 4mg chewable before bed every night. It was prescribed for before bed because it makes him drowsy. No sleep disruption here.
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