I do not have anemia but I guess low ferritin (which is basically your iron storage) is low. My dr was ordering iron supplements and also told me to take a multi vitamin. Seems like an awful lot of iron though doesn't it??
I am worried that I may be bleeding internally.. and they are not doing anything to check. He said it is either caused by not getting enough in the diet or internally bleeding somewhere. I have a lot of reflux problems and asked if I could have a bleeding ulcer but he said no. How would he know that I don't??
I have a history of an ED. I eat zero red meat.. mostly just turkey and chicken. WOuld this make me low in ferritin?
Re: Low iron levels
I don't eat any meat at all and I go from anemic to normal iron levels all the time. I think it just happens. my fist pg. I had to take iron, my second I did not.
black stool is a sign of internal bleeding.