
Woot! Chopping my hair off on Thursday! Show me your short hair for inspiration!

Right now it's a little more than mid-way down my shoulders, getting close to my bra. ?I'm thinking of just a straight-forward bob w/ side-swept bangs, but then a part of me wants to go funkier, but I'm scared to look like I'm trying to hard to stay young and hip. ?LOL ?I dont' want to be "that" woman. ?

Re: Woot! Chopping my hair off on Thursday! Show me your short hair for inspiration!

  • I got Hayden Paniteirre's (and Nicole Ritchie's) bob with the angled swide swept bangs and my students all love it.  So I guess I look younger and hip.  Go for it, it is freeing.
  • Here's mine. This is from a couple months ago. I'm going in for another trim in a week or two before BSF arrives. I love it.?

    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
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  • yeah, that Nicole Ritchie bob is one that I'm looking at. ?Who would ever have thought that trainwreck would have turned into such a glamour-puss?!
  • Here are the layers on the side:?


    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • Do this! My super short & fun haircut!



  • Sarah and Mags, I LOVE your hair! ?Mags I wish I had the guts (and bone-structure) to go that short! ?That is fabulous! ?Sarah, I love yours, too! ?Do you have to do a lot with it to get the layers to swing like that? ?I love it!
  • I love mine now and yeah Nicole Ritchie is really young (compared to me) so I felt silly asking for her hair cut but it really does look nice.  Cooker I really like your cut too and the other poster Mags.  You are super cute.
  • here's the front


    and here's the back


    It's short, but at the same time still has some length, KWIM?

  • Yeah - I've chopped my hair super short twice and its definitly difficult to make the huge leap.  I love it and so does MH (and most guys), but I do get the occasional, "Is your H pissed that you cut your hair?" which always cracks me up. 

    I love cooker's cut, but my hair is wavy and I don't have the patience to flat iron all the time.

  • No, not really. My hair is actually kind of wavy naturally, so I do need to blow dry it to keep it super straight like that. But I like it both ways, boingy or straight. :)?
    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • And I LOVE your cut, Mags. I've always loved those cuts, but don't have the face shape to pull one off. It looks so good!
    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • Mrscolleton, I love yours, too. ?That's close to what I'll probably get, but my hair is straighter, so it will look a little different. ?


    I just love how hair feels when you first get it chopped off. ?So free!!!!?

  • I love it, I have thick thick hair and she went in with a razor and got a lot of bulk out. I love it straight too!
  • I love this:


    But it's not what I have.  I know you know what I look like, but here is a good shot of the side:


    (excuse my double chin).

    Oh, and I REALLY need to show a pic of my lightened 'do!


    Me with my littlest.
  • Mags, you are fabulous!  I love the short 'do and so wish I could pull that off.  You look like Audrey!

    Me with my littlest.
  • Aw, thanks guys!!  I totally love to try to peer pressure my firends into getting short 'dos.
  • I got this done about a month ago - It's growing in nicely, but I am going to get it cut again in a couple of weeks.


    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • I'm saving to show my mom mags pic!
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