
There is a new I didnt know I was pg on tonight

I just will never understand how you don't have even the smallest inkling you are pg.  I om really overweight and I knew I was pg.  I think its all DENIAL
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Re: There is a new I didnt know I was pg on tonight

  • I dont get it either!  My girls were asking me how this was possible...I said the same thing as you ....denial
    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • What channel/time?  I've never heard of this show, but I would LOVE to see someone try to explain how they "didn't know"...
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  • I keep hoping that I'm one of those women and one day I'll just go into labor. ?LOL ?
  • They are in DENIAL. And alittle bit crazy I think.
  • I am also watching this show. I ask this same question - there is no way I wouldn't have known!
  • Lol, I would love to find that out too without all the pg stuff too.  However, I woudl be so worried about not getting proper prenatal care.
  • discovery heath channel here its 226 at 9pm
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  • yah, i don't get it either and i'm a psycholgist!  How do you not notice that your back is killing you, you've got a baby kicking you from the inside, you are peeing every 5 seconds, and you can no longer bend over cuz theirs a basketball in the way.  i really don't think i am imagining these symptoms...
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