

where have you been? i haven't seen you in awhile, or i could be just that out of it.

 how are you feeling?

Re: brewster

  • Hey there.  Yea, I don't come around as much.  I try to get on at least once a day.  We just got back from FL last night too, so I wasn't on for the last 5 or so days at all.  This place is just not as addicting as it used to be.  It seems a lot of people are on here a lot less frequently as well. 

    I am feeling, well...big and ready to pop.   Not much longer though, thank goodness.  How are you?

  • doing good. i know what you mean about not being here as much.... i wakito get on at night, but end up falling asleep at my computer. i hate  getting up at 6 am.

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  • That's what I do...just skim the last few pages for BFPs, new babies, and drama.  There doesn't seem to be much of any of it, so I don't stick around.  I mean, heaven forbid a parenting board being about parenting.  LOL
  • i can't believe you are already 33 weeks. do you have a name picked out for you new little girl?
  • Yep, it's been decided for quite some time now.  Her name is Maren June.  Maren just b/c we liked it and June is a family name.  I am anxious to finally meet her.
  •  what a beautiful name. i can't wait to see pictures!

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