and I'm home alone with the boys, and my husband can't get off work until 1:30. I was getting a ball from under Miles' bed and got this horrible pain, pinching type of feeling in my neck. I pulled myself out of there and passed out for a few seconds. Now I can barely move my neck to the right and have pain about halfway down my right arm. I don't know how I'm going to make it for an hour and a half. Right now Jonas is crying in his saucer and Miles is tearing his room apart.
Re: I just really hurt myself...
Oh no! Do you think you could get them in the car and drive? I'd try to get to a chiropractor immediately.
Do you know anyone who could possibly come over for 1/2 an hour or so while you go by yourself?
Not bad enough, you passed out!
Sounds like disc slipped and is touching a nerve - I had something like that happen once, had to go to about 12 chiro appts before I could fully turn my head again. My thumb was tingly, I figured that was a bad thing LOL
Good luck.
lol...I passed out from the initial pain. It was bad. It doesn't hurt as bad as it did then. I'm going to try and see if it feels better before the hubs gets home. If not, I'll be heading to my doctor ASAP after he gets in from work.
Thanks for the well-wishes: )
Step 1: Log off of the nest
Step 2: Call someone to come care for your children. You PASSED OUT. That alone is scary when you are the only adult there with 2 young children.'s bad enough.
Step 3: Call your doctor & see if they need you to come in or what you should watch for. Losing consciousness is *not* a small deal.
Just sayin....if it were me....
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church