I have asked DD several times today to either stop doing something or to pick something up she has thrown on the floor. She doesnt even when threatened with time out. She just stares at me.. She knows what I am talking about. She listens to DH and my mom but ignores me.
Re: At what point should you expect a 2.5 yo to listen?
Do you actually give the timeouts, or just threaten to do it and not ? If you tell her you're putting her in timeout, DO IT. It sounds like she knows you won't.
What works a lot of the time with my almost 3y/o is to make it more of a game instead of a chore. "I don't want you to do that but we can do X instead"... or "I bet you can't do that while jumping up & down" or we sing a goofy cleanup song and make it fun, then she gets to choose what to do after, etc. And then some days she gets the timeout and screams. LOL
I don't expect her to listen until she's about 23.
I actually put her in time out. She has been in time out 3 times since 815. She is driing met nuts! I am pg with #2 (less then 4 weeks to go) and I tried to tell her mommy really needs you to help right now. She just seems to be doing the opposite. She listens to everyone but me. She has me shaking so bad right now and crying. She is also know for pointing at me and saying 'no you do it' She is a 15 yo in a 2.5 yo body. I dont know how im gonna handle her when she is a teenager.
DH got up with her this morning and said she was a perfect angel. I just dont get it.
Timeouts did not work for us so I changed my tactic. I tell Isabelle that I'm going to count to three & if I get to three she gets a spanking. Now I don't really give a "real" spanking & I've only given her a spanking about 3 times, most of the time she starts doing whatever I tell her to do when I count to 1. If she starts doing it I stop counting but then I'll start back up if needed. She also understands that when I give her a spanking that it means that mommy is sad & she likes to see me happy so she'll typically do what I ask. I'm also not above bribery!
We are stuck at home today! I have tried to play with her and she goes and finds something else to do. Its almost like she is mad at me. She keeps saying 'I wanna help you' and when I ask her to help she wont. We have been working on the nursary but she seems so excited.
I think maybe you are right though! she does know her alone time is limited. DH spent the weekend with her because I had a 'sprinkle' and then on sun I worked. All she seems to want now is Daddy. Id love to be able to take her out to the library or something but I am stuck at home with no car.
After lunch she is going to take a npa. Maybe she will wake up in a better mood.