
What should I read next?

I read the Twilight books several times each.  Then I read the Gemma Doyle Triology, which I thought was good.  It was similar to Twilight in the sense that there was some suspense, but not scary  There was also some romance, but not to the extent of E/B in Twilight. 

Any other suggestions.  I really like these kinds of books. 

Re: What should I read next?

  • How the heck do you have time to read all those books?  I have been trying to get through ONE book for hte past month and a half!  A doens't nap anymore, so my only free time is at night, and usually I read for 20 minutes, then I'm falling asleep.
    Melanie ~Ava Grace 7.20.06 & Lila Jane 7.22.09~ m/c #3 6/18/08 image
  • i just got done reading Tori Spellings book... it was a good quick easy read.. in the same week I finished Confession of a Shopaholic both were easy and quick reads.. and total different from Twilight... (sorry)
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  • With Twilight, it was an obsession really.  LOL.  Noah still naps 2ish hours a day and is usually in bed between 7 and 7:30.  Lots of late nights.  I also read if he is watching TV or playing independently. 
  • I've head good things about her book The Host.  I'm reading a completely different kid of book right now but it is really good - The People of The Book
  • If you liked Twilight, you should read the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris. They are light mysteries set in a small town. Sookie is a waitress who reads minds and falls in love with a vampire. They are light reads that are so addictive.
  • I just finished two great books by Barbara Delinsky.

    The first was the Secret Between Us and the second was While my sister Sleeps.

    They were great!

    Reid 9-17-05 Grace 6-2-07 Owen 10-19-11
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