3rd Trimester

clicky poll: is this car seat ok for a girl?

Re: clicky poll: is this car seat ok for a girl?

  • A light baby blue color can certainly be girly enough!

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  • We originally registered for that one (we're on team green too). My BFF has it and loves it.
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  • It looks really cute even for a girl. I would keep it.
  • If you have a girl, just slap a big pink bow on top of her head to prevent any confusion. You know people... they can never tell boy or girl either way!
  • Definitely!  We registered for that one even though we are "Team Green."  Our nursery theme is yellow ducks with blue accents, so I obviously have no problem with blue being a great color for a boy or girl's room!  I think it is nice and I also believe that when I was registering, there were not a lot of options in that price range (this one is still expensive, but on the less expensive end of the scale at BRU).
  • Of course! I don't understand why we need to keep with the blue/pink gender associations. I hate the color pink, so I guess my vote is slightly swayed.
  • I would use it for a girl. It's pretty
  • That's very pretty for a girl!  Don't worry about the boy girl thing.  I had DD in a PINK dress, all decked out girly (we do have a green stroller) pink blanket the works, and she STILL got called a boy.
  • FWIW, we're having a girl and ours is blue, green, and gray (looks purple in the photo but it's definitely stone gray).


    We also just got a chocolate brown and blue stroller, so there ya go.

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